
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:41:02
i love your sex either 信用证翻译FULL SET CLEAN ON BOARD BILLS OF LADING MADE OUT TO ORDER AND BLANK ENDORSED NOTIFING L/C第一次接触这个,完全不明白,跪求高手帮忙,越详细越好~ 多谢! 信用证上注明 full set bill of lading made out to the order 是不是在全套提单的CONSIGNEE一栏填写TO THE ORDER 英语翻译For the Contract Equipment manufactured/supplied outside P.R.China,full set of clean on board ocean bills of ladingmade out to order and blank endorsed,marked“freight prepaid” in 3(three) originals,notifying the Buyer主要是“of la 想找雅思口语的对练伙伴,有想要一起提高雅思口语的朋友吗?我目前正在复习雅思,想要在今年的12月份参加考试,目前听力、阅读、写作这三个部分都已经准备的差不多了,但是口语还是没有太 关于雅思口语,请参加的朋友回答,我一直都是学的是美音,请问用美语答题,是否影响成绩,实在是觉得现在学美式发音太困难了.另外,雅思报名有什么条件限制嘛 有学历要求吗 我已经毕业5年 limited girl是什么意思急 man needs water to drink,i want something to drink.would you like something to eat?这三个句子能不能换成这样:man needs to drink water.i want to drink something would you like to eat something. “PAUSE”在录音机上是什么意思? The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 是什么书?请帮我翻译为中文 求:adventures of Tom Sawyer故事概要只要告诉我故事大致的情节和走向即可,中英文皆可以 中石化的扬子石化应用膜分离技术回收乙烯,有人知道详细情况吗?求指导 i need a girl 歌词中文意思如题.要准确的!翻译器实在太差了 英语翻译This was never the way I plannedNot my intentionI got so brave,drink in handLost my discretionIt's not what,I'm used toJust wanna try you onI'm curious for youCaught my attentionI kissed a girl and I liked itThe taste of her cherry chapst 英语翻译"I don't know,aunt.""Well,Iknow.It's jam--that's what it is.Forty times I've said ifyou didn't let that jam alone I'd skin you.Hand me that switch."不算长`麻烦了``I'd skin you是"我将剥了你的皮"的意思? thank you,but( ) you please cut me a smaller piecea could b should c may d do i should know you aren't cool with sex and stuff are you? I think you should ___ ___ ___ with your teacher我认为你应该和你的老师谈一谈I think you should ___ ___ ___ with your teacher This is___ “r”and that's_____"u".Aa,a B a,an C an,a When the car crashed,your brother escaped being hurt中文 This is空'X'and that is空U填什么? This is( )“f”and that is ()“u"括号里应该填什么 how many floors are there in your block?怎样回答?how many blocks are there in your housing estate how many blocks are there in your housing estate?怎么回答 How many blocks are there in your housing estate是什么意思 how many biocks are there in your housing estate这个句子是什么意思 How many blocke are there in your housing estate?怎么翻译 pause录音机功能键怎么用英语表示如题 录音机的功能键是轮轴吗?问什么? boo hoo HOO 看任贤齐拍的MV 诛仙的主题曲里面有段英文叫 HOO GIRL 特别是 HOO hoo旗舰店,hoo童装怎么样 Come away&out!什么意思