
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 04:02:34
what is the origin of orthogonal discomposition? What is the origin of the badminton?需要英文资料, what's the origin of language (急)用英语回答这个问题, What was the origin of Man?人类的起源是什么?我把他改成what was man's origin 如何看英语杂志呢?我很喜欢英语,也买了许多英语杂志,但每次看了几分钟就去看书中的中文翻译,经常看到别人说他们一直坚持买英语杂志,英语水平也有所提高,但我一点毅力都没有,从来没坚 某人骑自行车以V0=10m/s的初速度上一斜坡,上坡过程中加速度的大小为0.4m/s2,到坡顶时速度减小到2m/s,...某人骑自行车以V0=10m/s的初速度上一斜坡,上坡过程中加速度的大小为0.4m/s2,到坡顶时速度 骑自行车以每秒5米的初速度上斜坡,上坡过程中加速度大小为0.4米每秒方,到坡顶时速度减小为2米每秒,求时间 一人骑自行车以4m/s的速度匀减速爬上斜坡,加速度大小我为0.2m/s.若坡长20m,求人达坡顶时的速度有点急! 一人骑自行车以4m/s的速度匀减速爬上斜坡,加速度大小为0.2m/s.若坡长为20m,求人到达坡顶时所需的时间 初中英语文章做得很差,完形,阅读,选词都要错好多,成绩上不去,怎么办? 找一首英文歌,好心的朋友帮帮忙!开头好像是“so lonely a girl”,歌词好像有:but now i konw 、get for you get for you、i love you...(大概是这样,可能拼的不标准)是女生...感激不尽! 找首英文歌只记得歌词末是anthing,男歌手.很轻快. 我已经背完了3500单词 但是为什么阅读理解还是有不认识的单词 我应该怎么办?ssd说道 英语翻译Congressional Power to Abolish Common Law Judicial Actions .-- Similarly,it is clearly settled that ''[a] person has no property,no vested interest,in any rule of the common law.'' It follows,therefore,that Congress in its discretion may 英语翻译When you have watery eyes and a running nose,you sneeze a lot,and you use up boxes of tissues,what’s the matter with you?Of course,you have a common cold.It makes you feel really uncomfortable.What is the best remedy?Some people go stra 我有时遇到不认识的(不止一个单词)我就不想读下去了,请问阅读理解好好做 英语的反义疑问句neither the teacher nor the students can stay here ,________?(反义疑问句)it is second time that MIKE has been late_________?同上-----why i __________get you on the phone .-----we___________basketball on the ground w 关于端午节的由来作文回答好另外有几分拿····· 我现在读初中英语成绩非常差,普通单词都认识但是做不好题目,阅读看不懂,选择什么也不懂.上课听的还可以但一发试卷什么都不会.请问我该怎么学 我有个英语短文看不懂,要翻译和短文最后2个问题的回答a baby has a fever and a sore throat .the young mother takes the baby from the bed at once and goes to see the doctor .on the road ,she falls down into watermelon field, throwi take过去式 take的过去式是什么呀? 英语翻译以下是我想翻成中文的问题请帮我翻一下 > How long does it take the Earth to travel once around the SunA.24 hours B.28 days C.12 months How long does it ( ) to travel from Beijing to Shanghai by train?A.spend B.take C.pay D.keep这是我小儿一张英语卷子上的一道错题,到底选A,B,C或者D. __________does it take them to travel from the park to the shopping mall how long还是 how far How long does it take____【go】 to Shanghai by train how far is it from Beijing to Shanghai?how long does it take to go to Beijing by train/plane?要英文的回答.谢谢. 中文,这两个字翻译成英文 hermes 怎么念 准确发音法国的牌子.念法应该和英文不一样吧?请问他的标准发音应该是怎样的? 跪求GUCCI,HERMES,LV,PRADA的读音有谁知道这些名牌的读音呢?请把音标写上,谢谢! 英译汉:can you speak chinese?