
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:14:24
视而不见的意思和造句 3.The suggestion that the major ________ the prizes was accepted by everyone.A.would present B. 已知集合A={x|x^2-2013x+2012 My suggestion that we should stick to our original plan was finally accepted.为什么不用which而用that? log(a^n)M= 1/n log(a)(M) log(a^n)M= n log(a)(M) 哪个对啊求神回复 The suggestiong that the mayor _____they prizes was accepted by everyoneA would present B present C present D ought to present 我想知道语法和选项. 锻炼的两个不同意思造句锻炼的两个不同意思:①通过体育活动增强体质;②在实际斗争中经受考验,提高心理素质,增长才干. The suggestion that the meeting___ requires___.A be put off;being consideredB be put off ;to be considered C should be put off;considered D should be put off;being considered每个选项为什么不对都写一下翻译及考查知识点都写一下 用“磨练”造句!急 围绕运动用只有才造句 Your suggestion that the meeting (be) __________ cancelled is reasonable填什么 历史上最早的57名中国共产党员的姓名 My suggestion was that Mr. Li gave us a lecture the next day.这个是改错题,答案是将gave改为(should) give,请问为什么? My suggestion is that the meeting (hold)____next Monday请详细点解析 复仇 意思 1949年中华人民共和国的成立标志着我国新民主主义革命的基本结束?为什么?不是到1956年才结束么? What is eleven and six?的答语是什么我的作业还没有写完呢 造句急用 以‘磨练’为话题以‘磨练’为话题,运用‘递进’关系(如 不但.而且,不仅...还;不但.而且,除了...还)运用下列两个词语:憔悴 鉴赏 阴霾 心旷神怡 得失之患 做疑问句have为什么可以放在句首,强调下,不是用于现在完成时.如:Have you any small change there's some suggestion that the intruder__the same person that killed AngieA should be B was C are D were为什么选B,不是选A吗?, 磨砺的解释和造句 用惧怕和磨练造句 写出下列事物表达的含义折梅斜阳残月归雁梅花荷花杜鹃 用痛苦、磨炼、残阳如血、快乐、喜悦五个词语造句 大火烧耳边 喜上眉梢 先声夺人 寻根问底 (每个词打一字) ,什么事物令人怎么样,什么事物令人怎么样 初二下学期语文第9课《海燕》找出文中具有象起意义的事物并说出它们各象征了什么? 用磨练造句 磨砺的解释并造句句子要通顺 一椭圆长轴为800mm,短轴为300mm,求周长. Please double---- that report.In other word,type on every other lineA)spacing B)spaced C)space D )a space please do not pass by a poor person without offering at least a word of loveplease do not pass by a poor person without offering at least a word of love and a kind smile or an act of kindness of any kind 怎么翻译?