
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 16:30:18
别拿我对你的容忍当做你臭不要脸的资本的反义词我实在是找不到所以就靠大家啦~ 无耻的反义词 求助一道英语单选题 关于非谓语的.In recent years,a larger number of students have been admitted to famous schools,which results in more students____________with better teachers and facilities.A.educated B.to educate C.having educated D. 高中英语单选题,多谢(关于非谓语动语)以下单选题,急用.没有讲解的,将不予采纳.1.The great hall was crowded with many people _______ many children __________ on their parents’ laps.A.including,seated B.including,seati 一道英语非谓语单选题,图中的第九题,错因是?帮我分析一下句意吧 南园(其一)李贺 南园(其一)李贺 花枝草蔓眼中开,小白长红越女腮.可怜日暮嫣香落,嫁与东风不用媒.1.这是一首什么样的小诗?(从描写内容看)2.前两句写什么?作者是如何联想的?3.后两 我用的手机是苹果5.可它总出现这种问题.这是什么问题 醋酸如何制二氧化碳? ------------as young as you,I would study hard.A.Was I B.Were I C.If I was D.If I am 谁知道下面这题的答案和详解?It is hard for me to image what I would be doing today if I___in loveat the age of seven ,with Jhon in my hometown.A .wouldn't have fallen B.had not fallenC.should fall D.were to fall 维语“起给哎木噻”是什么意思 阿衣夏木在维语里是什么意思 有维族朋友么?请问维语“喜日 把第你 阿打木 于子”是什么意思? 关于李贺的南园.小小的问题- -南园(李贺)花枝草蔓眼中开,小白长红越女腮.可怜日暮嫣香落,嫁与春风不用媒.1.这是一首什么样的小诗?(从描写角度看)2.前两句写什么?作者是如何联想的?3 高中英语非谓语动词单选题.On reaching the top of the mountain,we were pleased to find the tree ____ five years ago had grown tall.A.planted B.having been planted请大侠解释下这两个选项的区别.什么时候可以选B? 一道高中英语单选题,考察非谓语动词On the bank of the river,we found him____ on a beach,with his eyes___on a kite in the sky.第一个空,A.seated B.sitting第二个空,C.fixed D .being fixed 可以多选,但要说明理由 I need somthing for cutting the paper.Oh ,you want a knife?Ok,I'll get__for you A.it B.on B.thatD.this I need somthing for cutting the paper.Oh ,you want a knife?Ok,I'll get__for you A.it B.one C.thatD.this I need something for cutting the paper.Oh,you want a knife?Ok,l'll get ______ for you.I need something for cutting the paper.Oh,you want a knife?Ok,l'll get ______ for you.A.itB.thatC.thisD.oneit 强调前面提到过的东西,前面不是出现过 空心树还能年年结果造成这个现象的原因是什么赶快来帮我回答,谢谢 根据下面的材料,请以“一件烦恼的事”用第一人称的手法写一篇叙述文 450字李亮正在做风筝,爸爸叫李亮复习功课,李亮就要参加风筝比赛,爸爸要替李亮做风筝,李亮不答应,要自己做.爸爸生 火加上石这字怎么读 以“一件烦恼的事”为题用第一人称的手法写一篇记叙文 人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青.表达了作者怎样的思想感情 爱 要求1.围绕着爱写一篇记叙文 2.感情真挚,突出描写人物的语言、动作、心理活动. 男人该大方一点吗?男人大方好吗? 如何除去乙酸中混有的乙醛 造句(用精密造)用“精密”造句 在各种从句里的谓语动词和主句的谓语在形式上有什么区别? 造句,一定要准确用 “颜色的光泽”造句.一定要标准,标准的+50分. 从句里的动词有做谓语的吗?thanks! 非谓语从句中,不及物动词作定语时,只能用V+ING形式么