
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 16:14:29
star正确读音?应该读“斯达”还是“斯塔”? star怎么发音? 高玉宝笔下的半夜鸡叫的周扒皮是否就是孟尝君门下的鸡鸣狗盗之徒? 请问这句英语中的从句后为什么还要有一个before?It seemed as though this was the first time it had ever seen human beings before. 英语:before后面不能用未来时吗 fast sharp 的发音一样吗 英语中现在完成被动时和现在完成进行时结构是不是都是have/has been,只不过现在完成进行时后面加现在分词,现在完成被动时后面加过去分词? 仙露琼浆的意思是什么? If Jack arrive.Let him come in如题 这句话对吗?不对的话将arrive填什么? Don't let him come in中him不用主格形式是不是因为它不是主语?句中“他”若不是主语,那么:1,主语是什么?2,let后都加宾格吗?比如说“Let's go”中“’s”就等于“us”. 找出句子中的错误并在后面横线上改正:If Jane does not go,neither will her______ 英语翻译应该怎么翻译 just as the wind blows out a candle and fans a fire would能说明这个句子是过去时态吗? would 做愿意讲后面句子用过去吗 would,帮忙解答一下面各句中的would都有什么内在含义?I wasn't built to be a prisoner,so I would have my crew bail out.You heard President Obama mention a Mr. Boehner there. That would be Republican House Minority Leader John Boehn would 在这里的意思,would引导什么类型的句子,有什么意义?When people engage in activities that help others ,their brain releases endorphins,the brain’s natural opiates,which induce in people a feeling of well-being.It has been sugg Let __________ come in.A I and my brother B my brother and IC me and my brother D my brother and me 帮帮忙,他是boy friend中的哪一个? 党的十六届五中全会指出,要加快建设()()社会? I would在否定回答中怎样写 根据表格内容用If I.,I would.造句 come in,pleasa.否定句 Come in the pool.(变为否定句) Tom joins the art club.(对画线部分提问,对画线部为the art)______ ______ ______ Tom join Tom是他怎么说Tom is he 还是Tom is him 为什么?我知道是He is Tom,是问可不可以说Tom is he 或者Tom is him 情况用英语怎么说 must i tidy the room now?no ,you( ).you()do it after breakfastA NEEDN'T,MAY B NEEDN'T MUST boy friend的MV在哪下载 The lion is____ ____(危险)than the elephant but it is not so____(重) as the elephant. 世皆称孟尝君能得士有许多人认为本文虽仅四句话,却起承转合具备,一气呵成.所谓“转”就是转换论证角度.想一想,哪一句是‘转“.是转从什么角度来论证的? Taking a walk is a pleasant activity. Sometimes the weather is_______bad and sometimes it is_____pleasant.A fairly; quite B quite; rather