
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 20:49:46
一、二、三、五、七、千、添同一个字,使其成为另6个字. 一 二 三 五 七 千各添同一个字,使其变成另外6个字 一,二,三,五,七,千,请各添上同一个字,使其成为另外6个字 “一、二、三、五、七、千”6个字,各添上同一个字,能组成另外六个字,请你添上这六个字吧! 已知f(x)是二次函数且方程f(x)+3x=0的两根是0和1,(1)若f(-2)=0,求f(x)的解析式 已知f(x)是二次函数,且方程f(x)+3x=0有两根0和1,若f(x+4)=f(-x),求f(x) 设方程x^2-3x+1=0的两根是α,β,求满足f(α)=β,f(β)=α,f(1)=1的二次函数f(x). gmat逻辑题Although the ratio of physicians to total population is about the same in the United States and Canada,the United States has 33 percent more surgeons per capita.Clearly,this the reason people in the United States undergo 40 percent more 主对角线上的元素为(1+ai),其他元素全为1的行列式的值 gmat 逻辑题The price of maple syrup has jumped from 22 dollars three years ago to 40 dollars a gallon today.It can be concluded that maple-syrup harvesters have been artificially inflating prices and that governmental price regulations are necessa 它为什么算对角行列式,不是除了主对角线上的元素其余元素都是0的,才是对角行列式吗? 计算行列式 主对角线都是a 其他都是0 n阶a …… 1....1 …… a主对角线都是a除了两个1其他都是0 求y=3x^2+16/2+x^2的最小值可能你们误会这个式子了y=3x^2+16/(2+x^2)不好意思,您的解法,偶看不太懂……什么是“对该式求导得:y'=3-16/t^2,有最小值,所以y'=0 ” y=3x^2+16/2+x^2的最小值是? 求y=(x^2-3x+3)/(x-2) x大于2的最小值 一道GMAT逻辑题Crops can be traded on the futures market before they are harvested if a poor corn harvest is predicted prices of corn futures rise; if a bountiful corn harvest is predicted prices of corn futures fall This morning meteorologists a 请教一道GMAT逻辑题2.Which of the following best completes the passage below?One tax-reform proposal that has gained increasing support in recent years is the flat tax,which would impose a uniform tax rate on incomes at every level.Opponents of ①若x大于0,求x分之13 +3x的最小值.②若x小于0,求x分之13 +3x的最大值. 已知x大于0,y大于0,且1/x+2/y=1,则3x+4y的最小值 走字能加哪些偏旁 走字加偏旁有哪些字啊?除了左耳旁和双人旁以外还有吗?注意,是走字加偏旁,不是走字做偏旁!徒字加了双人旁啊! gmat一道逻辑题An overwhelming proportion of the most productive employees at SaleCo’s regional offices work not eight hours a day, five days a week, as do other SaleCo employees, but rather ten hours a day, four days a week, with Friday off. 一道GMAT逻辑题,In 1992,a major newspaper circulated throughout North American paid its reporters an average salary paid by its principle competitors to their reporters.An executive of the newspaper argued that this practice was justified,since a 若代数式2-X的值不小于代数式2X+3的值,则X的取值范围是 已知代数式3分之x-5+1的值不小于2分之x+1-1的值,求x的取值范围 若代数式4分之a(x-5)的值不小于代数式x-4的值,求x的取值范围. 逐去掉走字底 的字念什么 若关于x的代数式a(x-5)/4是不小于x-4的值求x的取值范围详解, 问个字怎么读啊?追字去掉走字底,然后下面加个十,读什么? “趋”去掉“走字旁”是什么字... 滴去掉三点水旁,加上走字底,是什么字 近期就想出国,可是GMAT是大头!如何快速提高GMAT,有什么GMAT强化班?快速提高班?短期的!