
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:28:05
英语定语从句的构成? 我外贸公司出口一批商品到日本,出口总价为10万美元,CIFC5横滨,其中从中国到横滨的运费和保险费占12%,该商品国内进价为人民币702000元,包含17%增值税,这家外贸公司费用定额率为5%,退税率为9% There are over two ----trees on the farm .About nine -----them are apple treesA.thousand ,hundred ofB.thousands,hundred C.thousands of ,hundred D.thousand of ,hundredS of为什么 历史中中国那个时代最强?从不同方面分析一下,军事,疆土,经济,文化,以及其他国家对其的崇尚程度、 just as every coin has two sides 可以用什么其词替换其他英语表达形式 英语定语从句是什么概念. 英语的定语从句请教Finally,Lin Tao refused to apologize to the girl for his rudeness,_____ she decided to leave.A.at which point D.in which point 想问这两个选项的区别 到底怎么看 具体点 关于英语的定语从句!句子:I lost my wallet in the restaurant “where” we had lunch上面句子按道理说还可以写成:I lost my wallet in the restaurant “in which” we had lunch.改了的句子有两个“in“.显得好奇怪. 英语定语从句This is th cage --- A that Pollyl lives B where Polly live in C for polly to live in Dwhich Polly to live in 是选c 老师对我说那些应改为Awhich P lives in Bwhere P lives D in which P lives 麻烦解释一下 初三 There were some (apple trees) on the farm.否定句、一般疑问句、提问 There were some colourful pencils on the desk just now.改为一般疑问句 此题如何做 .如果我们__了,你__了,我也__了.那我们__吧!此题如何做 .如果我们__了,你__了,我也__了.那我们__吧! 俗话说"事别三日定当刮目相看"出自哪个典故? 三日不见,刮目相看活用了哪句古诗文? 三日不见 刮目相看 说的是三国里的谁?RT 三日不见 刮目相看 的刮目怎么理解?三日不见 刮目相看 的"刮目"怎么理解?这个我当然知道 就单指 刮目 二字 怎么理解 “"三日不见,必刮目相看"是活用了那一句古诗文 '小火电机组'用英语怎么说? 火电机组性能监测与诊断 英语怎么说? there,any fruit trees,the farm,on,were(?) any there the trees farm were fruit on 连词成句急 沿着这条路一直往前走,在第二个路口左传. 英语怎么讲?谢谢! 随着社会生活发展,中国传统戏曲艺术受到极大冲击,正一步步走向衰...随着社会生活发展,中国传统戏曲艺术受到极大冲击,正一步步走向衰落,你认为中国传统戏曲是去,是留? 随着社会生活的发展,中国传统戏曲艺术受到极大冲击,正一步步走向衰落,你认为中国传统戏曲,是去,是留?简洁明了`50字左右`吧` 随着社会生活的发展,中国传统戏曲艺术受到极大打击,正一步步走向衰落,你认为中国传统戏曲是去是留? 随着社会的发展,有人断言中国传统戏曲终将走向消亡,你同意这种说法吗?请简要阐述理由. 有人说,随着时代的发展,戏曲必然会走向灭亡,你对此有何看法? 美国面积最大的州,及面积最小的州的名称? “易损件”英语怎么说? When people haven't seen each other fora long time,they might hug each other as agreeting.同义句转换When people haven't seen each other for a long time,they might ________each other ______as a greeting. We haven't seen each other for a long (p ) of time . I can ________(easy)recognize her although we haven't seen each other for a long time.