
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 15:38:44
语文文言文翻译,求速答! He with his friend is going to 为什么用is 优美的境外比喻句{短}优美的境外比喻句一定要短的. 比喻句30句(短) 224个短点的比喻句谢谢啦.>好的加分哦,> precious什么意思 "precious"什么意思 precious什么意思,怎么用啊 precious中文意思是什么? I don't want to say is that for you the tears 求下列古文名句的解释1.子曰:学而时习之,不亦乐乎.2.曾子曰;吾日三省吾身.3.子曰:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎. 仁爱版九年级英语上册Topic2 SectionC 1b 关于动物的英语谜语要有中文,急! 老王中,我回屋才感到抱歉,从这抱歉中可以看出作者具有怎样的思想感情 How to find out what you really want to do and what's worth your whole life being devoted to? what do you want to find out about this place是什麼意思?是不是:你想了解这个地方吗 I want to tell you what I think.改为同意句I_____ _______ to tell you what I thinkl两个空 Guess ___yesterday?- I think you want to the party.A.what i did B.what did I do there is (a restaurant)next to the school对括号提问 _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ next to the restaurant 用英语写 There is dirty park next to the restaurant.(填空) ____ ____ next to the restaurant?There is dirty park next to the restaurant.(填空)____ ____ next to the restaurant? 英语翻译皇太子朝,鼓吹将入东掖门,毅以为不敬,止之于门外,秦..(认不到..)保傅以下.失吾名臣,不得生作三公.帝以毅清贫,赐钱三十万,日给米肉.求翻译求翻译, 在《老王》"我记不清是十个还是二十个.那是他送我们的"这俩句话表达了作者的什麽思想感情? I do not think you want to go crazy,I just want you to wet the eyes There is a restaurant next to the post office画线部分提问画线部分为 next to the post office Is there a pay phone next to the restaurant?否定回答 滑石粉加入麦麸中的作用 我想问下麦麸是什么?请问有哪位知道的?麦麸是什么?我想来补充清肠治便秘...请问可行么?还有就是该怎么吃?主要是不知道它是长什么样子...颗粒的还是粉沫的? 请回答的详细点好么? 英语翻译凡治国之道,必先富民.民富则易治也,民贫则难治也.奚以知其然也?民富则安乡重家,安乡重家则敬上畏罪,敬上畏罪则易治也.民贫则危乡轻家,危乡轻家则敢凌上犯禁,凌上犯禁则难治也 It’s often difficult to find _______ to express what you want to say.A.exactly the right word B.the word right exactlyC.the right exactly word D.exactly right the word本题选择A,但是我不太理解,如果选择A的话,right是形容词修饰 Color-blind people often find it difficult to____blue from greenA judge B tell C divide D separate选哪个 为什么 Color-blined people often find it difficult to _____blue from green.A.judge B.tellC.divide D,separate请分析选项