
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:01:32
Maybe I don't know you~not that into you.only time will tell.谁能帮我翻译 大概的我懂 what size are your f( ) What size are your feet?I_____A.am a 39 size B.am size a 39 C.take size 39 shoes D.take 39 size shoes我明天要交了 What size are your ()(foot)? what size are are your shoes?该怎麽会答? What time did he ___home?A;get to B;arrive at C;get D;arrive in 英语翻译网页的翻译是“没有历史的一部分将被遗忘!” 个人觉得不太对劲 What (do)he usually (do)after.What time his mother (do)the housework. 英语翻译就是名侦探柯南第一部的片尾曲的中文翻译! 翻译:Your visit to the Great Wall will be like a tour through the history backwards 英语翻译 翻译His idea was ahead of his time. 翻译句子,请问在这句中ahead of his time 是什么意思Jefferson is known not only as the third president of the United States, but also as a scholar who was way ahead of his time in many way. 译下;His ideas were way ahead of his time. 英语翻译2.to adjust the pillows on the bed句子中the pillows,既然用了the ,为什么pillow还要加s? ______ students in our class ae from the town.Some are from the countryside. A.All B.NoA.All B.No C.Every D.Not all week和ahead of time能放到一起吗?放到一起怎么翻译 翻译:“senna was arguably the greatest racing driver of all time” madame was one of the greatest scientists in the world.She was born in Polan in 1867. it is well-known that albert einstein was one of the greatest scientists of all time这句话中的all time 如何理解 You must listen to the teacher in the class.改为否定句 我叫胡静晨 天蝎座 帮我找一个最好是3个音节的内向人用的好听一点的英文名亲们 我看不懂音标啊麻烦各位用拼音啦 i am ___ tom is the best student in our class.(certainly) we consider Tom to one of the best students in our class这里的be可不要以换为is? 换后和原句意思有什么不同?为什么? 日本有世界地震博物馆之称,印尼有火山国之称,其原因分别是什么和什么 日本福岛大地震已经过去了几个月,如果要修建一座地震博物馆,请你在博物馆的留言簿上写一段话,表达对生命的感悟和思考(运用排比的手法,不超过30个字) 【急】四川地震博物馆在哪儿?想确定四川地震博物馆在哪儿 听说有很多个 到底是不是大邑县安仁古镇 急切 希望给我准确信息 最好是去过的更好! fee翻译, Kate is one of the best____(student)in our class I am writing a postcard to my teacher(改为一般疑问句) My mother gave it to you.(My mother)对划线部分提问 Work with a partner to complete the word puzzle .Use the clues to help you.1.agreed,said or done by the the government.2.like a line or road that gose in one direction.3.a polite way of asking for something.4.national,local way of pronouncing words .