
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 20:38:13
It becomes a big city now.A.There are a lot of people.B.People only read books at night.C.There are lots of cars,buses and taxis.选哪个?紧急! topic writing:living a big city包括以下中文内容,至少100字1.成千上万的人涌入大城市.(rush into,medical care,latest information)2.我喜欢居住在生活方便的大城市.(convenient,commodity,live in great comfort)3.然而 that was easy 这有几个三角形 请问有几个三角形 这个里有多少个三角形 求三角形某点的坐标1,已知点A的坐标为Ax.Ay,点B的坐标为Bx.By2.已知角A的的度数为N度3.已知三角形的两边AB和AC相等,长度值为L问:C点坐标Cx,Cy是什么? 英语改错And I came to understand that was not easy to earn money 如果三角形OBC=2,求点C的坐标 英语翻译As an addendum to the minutes let me point out that Susan moved to appoint Kathy and Arthur to the finance committee. 英语翻译On the final day we were accosted in the elevator by a man who claimed to work for the chain.He quizzed us about our stay.We gave him honest answers which he told his assistant to write down.Who this man was we were never told.He told us 六国论 夫六国与秦皆诸侯“夫六国与秦皆诸侯” 这段作者写作目的是什么 夫六国与秦皆诸侯 句式 夫六国与秦皆诸侯,其势弱于秦是什么句式? -- __I come back before 11:00 --No ,you __.But you ___be back later than lunch time.A .Must ,needn't,can't B .Can ,can't ,may C.Need ,mustn't ,must D.May ,needn't ,can't为什么? 英语翻译帮我翻译下! opposite是用of 还是用to和......相反的意思be opposite _________(A.of B.to) someplace 秦灭六国示意图展现了怎样的历史事实 出现这一历史史实的原因有那些 opposite 后面什么时候加to 请详解, The big move翻译 秦灭六国呈现的史实及影响? He will be back____.A.after 10 minutes B.before 10 o'clock C.in 10 minutes D.long before无 The opposite of "be for" is "be a____" querido,gostaria de recome?ar a minha vida错了也不碍事。分一样给 The opposite of 'possible' is ___ .(根据句意填空) 葡萄牙语问题Este é o meu amigo Pedro.Esta é __minha amiga Sofia.空白处填o还是a?葡萄牙语中这种情况一定要用o或者a吗? The opposite of “late" is e—— The opposite of lose is w____ esta vida so amo voce The opposite of "well" is ()(bad),The opposite of"better" is ()(bad) 人体什么器官受到刺激后会变大N倍? 哪个器官在激动时会变大6—7倍