
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:27:09
tofel作文求改,什么样的分数大概If you could change one important thing about your hometown,what would you change?Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.If I get a chance to change one important thing in my lovely hometown 填颜色,补充诗句日暮( )山远,天寒( )屋贫 作文上次考才18分,小的在这儿谢恩了~Nowadays,university students usually have several options to live .Some may live at home ,or some may live in university dormitory while others may live in private apartment.The most two popular means 托福独立作文修改 大概可以得几分Wether weshould make friends with the intelligent ones,or with the humorous friends isa question that long disturbs some of us.Some people maintain that it isbetter to have the smart friends around becaus 老托福的作文是怎么改的?不是新托福,我知道新托福是怎么改的,我要知道老托福 新托福写作强化,有人可以帮我修改作文吗,想突击下, 已知cos(派/4+x)=3/5(0<x<派/4) 1.求sin2x 2.求cos(2x+派/4) shimano 有没有出筒轴的前花鼓?shimano公司有没有出筒轴的前花鼓? 手持禧玛诺花鼓两边转动轮子能感觉到花鼓均匀的轻微振动 这是正常的吗? 椭圆仪与太空漫步机有什么不同 孟子:“天降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志…”来说一下名人传里的一个人是怎么体现这句话的. 暖风强盛时我国正处于什么季节 天降大任于斯人也.天降大任于是人也那个是对的少写了个将,我是想知道斯人也.还是是人也. PA,PA,CD为圆O的切线,A,B,E,为切点,CD分别交PA,PB于C,D两点,若∠APB=40则∠COD的度数为 “天降大任于斯人也”后面是什么? 帮忙改一篇TOEFL作文I think people go to university because they want to find a good job.A good job will affect one person's live.So it is very important for everyone to make decision.First,people are easier to find a job if he or she was gradu 请帮我改一篇TOEFL作文 Do parents serve as the most becoming teachers?Some people hold the opinion that the milieu a child live in can truly learn something from experiences.I concede their sentiment.Nevertheless,from my perspective,children l 已知实数a满足|a-1|+根号a-2=a,求a的值 初四数学二次函数的图像题(有难度)解题详细会额外加分二次函数y=ax^+bx+c的图像与x轴交于点(-2,0)和(x1,0),且1 弱电图中20*UTP-3P是什么意思 求函数极点和留数的问题,设f(z)=z/(1-cosz),那么函数f(z)在|z|<1内有极点z=( ;且在该点留数为( ) 对钩函数的顶点坐标怎么计算?怎…怎么算来着?急死我也~ 已知f(sinx)=(2cos^2)x+1,则f(1/2)=速求:已知f(sinx)=2cos²x+1,则f(1/2)=? 如何精确测量双绞线的芯线直径和长度超5类线及六类线是主要测试对象,双绞线的直径和测量工具、操作误差、芯线的圆整度都有关系;而芯线长度的准确长度也很复杂,因为每线对的扭绞度 若西格玛(n=1)到无穷an(x-1)^2n在x=2处条件收敛,其收敛域怎么求~为什么收敛半径是1 在ProE的草绘中画一椭圆,为什么总是会水平放置呢,我想将它旋转一定的角度,比如20°,但是选 中间那道,若f(x)那道 如果过某个四边形的四个顶点不能做一个圆,那么其两个相对的内角之间有什么关系? at the heart The heart is very painful帮我翻译.10分钟之内. 《蜀鸡》的翻译和一个成语总结“蜀鸡”成败的经验教训 谁有《蜀鸡与乌鸦》的翻译啊?