
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 09:47:45
一个人让你叫他哥、什么意思? 叫哥什么意思 Agree to do somethingAbout to do something帮忙用两个完整的句子解释这两个短语,感激! 请问谁能帮我分析一下这句句子中的词组以及详细解释?Lesley felt a knot forming in her stomach as a crazy thought persisted at the back of her mind. 感恩节几月几日为什么是那一天 感恩节是几月几日? 英语作文写自己拥有的体育物品和其他物品怎样写?3Q 急:帮忙写个英语情景对话,问答形式.大概十句的样子急:帮忙写个英语情景对话,问答a:b:形式.大概十句的样子.不用太深奥~标题为:你最喜欢什么样音乐. 关于中国菜的英语情景对话,共10句左右就好向外国人介绍中国菜的英语情景对话 1——12月英文单词 怎么说 1~12月的英文单词怎么说? 我已经放手,你又何必纠缠 翻译成英文 井姐是什么意思 有谁知道井姐是什么意思啊! 谁是真正的“井姐”? ps神马意思,我只道是附注, ps鸡子 神马意思 H是神马意思啊?还有前面写着ps 又是什么意思啊? 解释下列词组或句子看画展:观庙会:stay ai home:去告诉妈妈:卧病再床:give some medicine吃药:产仔:cook delicious food:make people strone and healthy 1.a pot of2.boiling hot3.kayak(v.)4.sunny spell5.call the weather forecast6.icecube7.tennis-playing8.get caught in the traffic9.Go get your raincoat too!(这里go和get之间为什么不用and?)10.She got herself invited to the party.11.I had no 以书为话题,模仿理想第一段写一段话插着鸡毛的加急啊给点提示,书是钥匙,打开知识的大门,书是大门,引入知识的殿堂,书是殿堂,……………………插着鸡毛的加急啊 仿照例句句式,以“书”为内容写一段话例句:有的知识只需浅尝,有的知识只需粗知,只有少数知识需要深入钻研,仔细揣摩.仿句:有的书______________________________________________________. 以奋斗为话题按例句仿写奋斗是台阶,铺出成功的道路,奋斗是道路,通向成功的大门,奋斗是大门,带你迈进成功的殿堂 “认识火灾,学会逃生”的作文 英语翻译 火灾逃生作文 After he graduated in--- law from Oxford with honors,he worked as--- lawyer.A. a; a B. the; a C. 不填; a D. 不填; 不填答案C我选B顺便说一下遇到这种题,什么情况加a,什么情况加the,什么情况不填 you'd better ask your teachers and parents for advice,___ you will surely make a much wiser decision.a.by this means b.by that means c.by which means d.by what means 原因 (1)I am very sorry to hear that your younger brother had his legs___in the accident.A.breaking B.to break C.broken D.break(2)With the guide___the way,all the travellers had no difficulty in getting to the destination in the mountain.A.lead B.led C.to 题目most of us know we should cut down on fat,but knowing such things isn't much help when it _____shopping and eating.A.refers to B.speaks of C.focus on D.comes to 名词性从具有很多种,632688456,你的回答能不能再具体些, 在湖上划船用英语怎么说应该是over a lake 还是on a lake?On sunday they fly the planes in the fields or sail the ships ___ a lake.A.in B.at C.on D.over提问者:a9829_41293 - 魔法师 四级 选择D,因为介词over是表示“不 划船比赛将在那天举行.用英语怎么说