
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 10:35:07
英语翻译The people who live in the country are fantastic too,and there are many people who live on farms,miles away from anywhere.前面只是让你们看看,我主要是最后一句话不懂(miles away from anywhere)这句话我是这样翻 缘是天定的吗?拜托各位大神 英语翻译Until 1992,the long-distance telephone business was a monopoly in Canada,and cable TV,which has had a local monopoly for years,will lose it when telephone companies and satellite broadcasters are allowed into the cable business.主要是 what can we use computers to do?给我篇啊 What to do think we can do for aged parents?you don`t have to do anyting except to be with them and be yourself1,What to do think 这里是不书上印刷有误,否则无法解释啊.如果是what do you think的话,是插入语么?那can为何不提 请帮我翻译下面一段话,英译汉,顺便再看看有没有语法或什么错误"I am sure all of you here ,have your own dreams ,since we are in youth ,which is the golden period of our life ,full of imagination ,creativity ,enthusiasm and str 胆大妄为的同义词和反义词 如何将下面的正则表达式改为匹配所有字符的表达式,求写出:var aa = /^([A-Z]|[a-z]|[\d]|[\-]|[\/])*$/; mr happy live in flat 8a中的live要加s么 翻译:几天前是我们大学毕业后的第一次相遇(the other day) 请大家帮忙翻译下摘要,翻译成英文,拜托!不要机译,机译不通顺摘要如何在第一时间找对人永远是现代人力资源管理中最重要的议题之一,因此招聘管理也是人力资源管理中最基础、最重要的 英语翻译请大家帮忙翻译一下下面这段英文,要求语意通顺(我用谷歌和百度翻译过,语意都不是太通顺),The rain fell against the window i'm missing you again and again.i'm left not going for from right but we went r 请英语牛人帮我翻译这句话要通顺,不要借助翻译工具Shouts to all my lost boys, we rowdy. 英语翻译拒绝机译~언니가 가진건 돈뿐이야 My Ambition 的翻译 英语翻译有好的追分,要翻译的精彩的.文章内容如下:AmbitionIt is not difficult to imagine a world short of ambition.It would probably be a kinder world:with out demands,without abrasions,without disappointments.People would have t 英语翻译这几段请高手帮我翻译下.别给我搞百度,谷歌的翻译.要用真本领翻译啊.4 What I mean by ambition is dreaming big dreams,putting no limits on your expectations and your hopes.I don't really like very specific,attaina a young boy from Malaysia!中文怎样译 把地球看成个质量分布均匀的,半径为R的球体,地球表面的重力加速度为g在该圆形轨道上飞船热运动的向心力加速度为多大? 假如球质量不变,并视作均匀球体,但其半径增大1%,则重力加速度减少 %原题是球, 英语翻译1.his project is concerned with applying the technology to practical business problems.2.please write to me care of the publishers.(care of 转交)3.there ware so many cars that I lost count. 골드가 부족합니다 翻译 澳大利亚中午时看太阳是北边还是南边? 谁能告诉我澳大利亚,巴西那边是北面有阳光还是南边有阳光?我们这里不是南边属于阳面吗?澳大利亚巴西那边太阳在中午的时候应该是照在哪边呢? 请翻译成英文“请查收附件 其中有两个批号是一样的” afternoon的对应词 Peter ___ study at No.11 Middle School A .isn't B.aren't C.don't D .doesn't peter ( ) study at NO .11middle school 正则表达式\\[[^\\]]+\\]"是表示什么? _______ she returns nothing can be done,A.TillB.That C.UntilD.Whether 如果地球的体质有太阳这么大,还能保持生态的平衡么 地球可以保持多久.