
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 10:18:52
Train yourself to let go of erery thin you fear to 可能语法不对. 求学神帮忙解决这道微积分题. I fear to lose When you begin to fear to lose,you lose 1.There must be _____________ with the machine.A.something seriously wrong B.something wrong seriously C.something serious wrong D.somehing wrong serious2.The director gave me a better offer than ____________A.he gave Tom B.Tom's C.Tom's offer D.that 1.When Joe was____,he went to the US.A.on his twenties B.in his twenties C.in the twenties D.in histwenty2.Our hometown has changed a lot.Who can tell____it would be like in _______five years.A.how;another B.what;more C.how;other D.what;another3.No o 初中英语题目两道1.I would like you to meet the fellow who is distinguished for being the worst boy in this county and will probably start throwing rocks at you no later than tomorrow morning.通顺的翻译这段话2.He will go to the librar 1. He likes English.I like English ,too.(合成简单句)_he_I like English.{每空一词}2.(改错题,改一处)Meat and fried are not good at your healthy. 作文:写一个老人 (800字左右)侧重描绘岁月沧桑刻在他手上、脸上、升上的烙印,通过合理想象,猜测他的人生经历.要写出他的个性,表现他的人性美.住:不要那个王二的事! 若集合A={x|x=2n+1,n∈Z},集合B={x|x=4n-1,n∈Z},则A、B的关系是( )A.A包含于B B.A=B C.A真包含于B D.B真包含于A.不然看不懂谢谢 求学神们回答~ 高一集合题,图片上面两行是题目,下面是解析:看不懂"若B=空集时"的步骤,本人认为当B=空集时,应该是m<2等的答案,按答案来说,B为空集时,m可以等于3,但m=3,B不是空集啊,求解 集合题.,. 几道关于集合的题,要步骤 谢谢1.已知集合A中有三个元素:1、3、a.而且a的平方-a+1∈A求a的值2.已知集合A中有三个元素:a+2、(a+1)的平方、a的平方+3a+3,且1∈A求a的值3.已知由2、x的平 《竞争与合作》议论文 请以竞争与合作为题写一篇议论文 (1)、判断下列句子的读音是升调(↑)还是降调(↓)1、Is it your pancil?( ) 2、Whose turn is it?( )3、How are you?( ) 4、Does She like hamburgers?( )5、How is the weather to day?( )6、Has Amy got a computer?( ) 求一篇英文的议论文,主题是:竞争与合作哪个更能推动社会的发展?300个单词左右 the nember of,a great deal,a plenty of,a lot of,四者之间的区别 ____do your sisters use the computer?------Every day A How much B How often C How many 1.Where is your( ) friend( A.sister;from B.sister;come fromC.sister's;from D.sister's;come from 2.-Can I have a look ( )your new pencil bag -( )A.after;No B.in;Yes C.at;OK,here you are D.to;Here you are 作文:一件让父母称赞我的事500字 快 .快. 如何写表扬自己一次的作文 那一次爸爸表扬了我 这类文章应怎么写?是初一的不要太长,大约五六百字吧!要真实点 a great deal of 后面是跟可数名词还是不可数还是都可以跟a number of 呢 洪水淹没了整个村庄这句话怎么说 扩写句子.1、洪水淹没了村庄.2、《西游记》是神话小说. 求学神解这俩个题 How much is your coat?改成同义句 How much____you____ ____your coat? 《论语》十二章的所有注释 多芬德芙英文重名 是有什么关系吗 论语十二章课下注释54.55页的要2013秋季新版的,没有什么岁寒松柏的.快!