
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:05:59
英语翻译1.一些野生动物数量减少的原因是森林被砍伐——---------is becoming smaller -------------------trees.2.昨天那个善良的老人给我提供了晚饭和住所Yesterday the kind old man ----------us with --------------- l ,don’t,think,is,beijing,opera连词成句 成句1.interesting I is think Beijing Opera very action movies I they and exciting I think like are 连词成句:1.interesting,an,is,Ice Age III,movie 2.old,Opera,grandpa,my,likes,Beijing连词成句:1.interesting,an,is,Ice Age III,movie 2.old,Opera,grandpa,my,likes,Beijing 关于think否定:My brother___Beijing Opera____interesting关于think否定:My brother___Beijing Opera____interesting.A thinks,isn'tB doesn't think,is不是说 主语是第一人称时才 否定前置的么 这个不是第一人称啊! I like Beijing Opera._______interesting. 英语翻译 vodka 怎么变蓝 句子翻译 请相处一些警告人们的方法.Please think of some () () () people. Some people think it is for girls.翻译 蓝天伏特加怎么喝 翻译句子some people travel very far for work every day 谁知道蓝天伏特加兑浓缩橙汁怎么样?还有别的喝法吗? people go to work in different ways.Some people walk to work because they live near theirworkplaces.Some people go to work by bike because they live farther away,or they like riding bikes.They think it’s good for their health.But some people in the 阅读短文 Young people can have problens with their minds.Some students become worried because some people learn english because they want to()A.helpful B.work Some of people go to work by bike because they live far away ,or they like riding bikes.怎么翻译? 那位才子给出几条名言?类似于“不是强者胜,而是胜者强”“忙时心不乱,闲时心不散”类似于“不是强者胜,而是胜者强”“忙时心不乱,闲时心不散”“求学问,先学问,不学问,非学问”这样 would you like some apples同义句急 Would you like some apples?同义句转换( )you( )( )( )any apples would you like some apples?回答用Yes,I would like 还是用 yes,I would love to would you like some apples是什么意思急用啊 Would you like some apples?回答 “胜者一定是强者,强者不一定是胜者”和“胜者不一定是强者,强者一定是胜者”哪一个更有道理呢?我想的和别人不一样,郁闷哪,我认为第二个对一点. 贝肯·鲍尔说过“强者未必是胜者,但胜者一定是强者”这一句话用英语应该怎么翻译?有谁知道,告诉我一下,谢谢了1 The young people would like to go t____at through the Amazon jungle some day. Young people ______need to _____some hard things.今天的年轻人需要经历一些艰苦的事情. Some young people like to e____ in the jungle. some young people like lisyening to the pop ( ).括号里的单词是什么? 英语名著名句英语名著里面的名句,有哲理性之类的.还要说明是出自哪本名著,和中文. 一本书计划10天看完,实际每天多看9页,只用了8天就看完了,这本书多少页? 一本书计划10天看完,由于每天多看9页,结果8天就看完了,这本书共有几页?