
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 21:38:50
骨加个泉字,左右结构怎么读 紧急求助厂字加泉念什么? look mistakes look over mistakeslook over 一篇高中英语作文,求指导The koalas in Wildlife Park in Australia are unhappy and complaining because they are always woken up in the day time to be hugged and taken photographs by tourists.The government has tried to make it illegal. How 《冬天》 visiting,what,about,your,sunday,aunt,this.连词成句 已知m:0.7=5分之3:n 英语改错:Today I visited the Smiths-my first time visit to American family 急找一篇以失败为话题的高中英语作文.写对失败的态度等 3d max中倒角的英文是什么就是在修改器列表里有一个选项的?我用的英文版的,可是学的教程是中文版的,中文版和英文的修改器列表的分类都不一致的.有什么选项可以让他们是一致吗. 问大家一点点英语语法When the toast popped up,he put mustard,mayonnaise,and ketchup on one slice.Then he added two slices of onion.31_____ top of the onions,he placed the hot dog.On top of the hot dog,he put a couple of slices of apple.Then 英语语法一点点.Promise to do sth.承诺做某事I promised to write to my friend.我答应写信给我的朋友.promise的其他常用结构如下:(1).promise sb.sth.许诺某人某事My father promised me a gift for my birthday.(2).Promise sb 一点点英语语法问题~他去意大利了应该说:He has gone to ltaly.能不能说:he goes to italy. 一点点的英语语法问题我现在关于问句的语法错乱的很厉害 好像——他问我“你吃饭了吗” 和 他问我我吃饭了吗 该怎么翻译呢?还有 我一直在想我做对决定了吗?和我一直在想“我做对决定 3ds max中 车削,倒角,跟倒角剖面的区别在哪里?感觉有好多相同点,但是想不出个所以然.希望达人帮我个忙用最简介的语言说出其中不同之处. she has hardly had anything for breakfast ,()?a hasn't she b doesn't she c has she d does she 4. I want to hear the sound of the wind.(根据划线部分提问) sound of the wind划线 He hadly ever exercises every day,______?是填doesn't he 还是does he?) He hardly ever exercises对hadly ever划线提问 虽然和但怎么造句子 The The的《Giant》 歌词 The boy went to watch the giant pandas without have breakfast 这个句子错在哪里 (m-n)^7/(n-m)^6+(-m-n)^3/(m+n)^2是不是=-2n啊?我算到算到脑袋有点昏了! 对不起,我爱你 各国的语言该怎么说呢? I ____(not do) it like thisLast Sunday Mom Let me____(do) some washing at home? 求助六年级上册数学书练习二十六人教版全部答案我都迷茫了,打心底麻烦大家了9K All right.Let me do it.That's the boy!"That's the boy!用英语回答 城南旧事中令人气愤的句子在城南旧事书中的让人气愤的句子,有谁知道啊?(明天就要交!) in,that,who’s,classroom,boy,the怎么组句? 城南旧事的优美语句片段 从小兄弟自己制作精美风筝一事看,小兄弟有哪些可贵品质