
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:45:49
小学4年级寒假作业(把下列句子改写成打比方的句子)一阵风吹过,一墙的爬山虎叶子荡漾起来.比喻句:___________________________________别写成在跳舞,因为写成跳舞就是拟人句了。 小学二年级寒假作业补充句子 请问标题中的the要不要大写?To Analyze the Methods of improving the Middle School Students' English-speaking Skills in Class We like (rabbits) 括号提问 改哟办疑问句 否定句 肯定回答 My friends like (apples) 改否定句 一般疑问句 肯定回答 否定回答 括号提问 the days are long为什么要加Sthe days are long and the nights are short.还有the sun rises early and sets late the days 前为什么加the?day为什么加s?如题. the days are shout?中的day为什么要加S,以及day前为什么加The help everyone ______ (start) the day.加s吗.为什么 改错:Beijing is one of the biggest city in China Practice makes perfect 谁是第一回答者呀? 以practice makes perfect写作文含有关键词:experience,english learning,another example practice makes perfect. Practice makes perfect中文什么意思 迅速! 牛津高阶词典在哪下 欧美音乐里面Deluxe Version啥意思 acoustic version什么意思 us version什么意思 明朝有16位皇帝中,最囧的皇帝哪位? 我 cao.为什么手机那么小 比冰箱还贵.我kao 为什么cao,r,mao,kao,这些都是粗话, 对女孩说“我想kao你”她会生气吗?关系暧昧的女孩,想说,一直没敢 His teacher told him that since his parents were working abroad ,either27.His teacher told him that since his parents were working abroad ,either his grandparents or one of his uncles ______ allowed to come to the parents’ meeting .A.was B.were C.a It never rains here in spring ,___?A.is it B.does it C.isn,t D doesn,t it选择 台湾花王好还是日本花王好 用does it 还是doesn't itIt sounds unfit for me,______? 英语翻译前者还是后者the former or the latter这样翻译行不行感觉or用得不好请指教 latter与later的区别是什么,the former与the latter是反义词吗? the latter 和the former 的关系比如甲事件先发生的,乙后发生的,那么the latter 指甲还是乙.就是想让您给我解释一下他们的意思 明朝17帝?中国明朝曾经有过17帝还是18帝啊? Priate version? I like reading and computer