
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:41:13 公共英语等级考试

  41.What is the passage mainly talking about?

  [A]The necessity of the education about AIDS.

  [B]How to achieve the aims of AIDS courses.

  [C]Risks associated with AIDS.

  [D]Social responses to AIDS.

  42.Why did the author offer the AIDS course7

  [A] He wanted to teach people about a cure for AIDS.

  [B]People need to be taught how to avoid those with AIDS.

  [C]He wanted to teach the students that AIDS resulted from moral failure.

  [D]People take improper attitudes towards AIDS and those with or at high risk of

  43.The word“afflict”in the third sentence of the first paragraph nlost plobably means“__________”.

  [A] benTl

  [B]cause suffering to


  [D]draw attention from

  44.What does the author think is the correct resDonse to AIDS?

  [A] contempt

  [B]Optimism and bravad0.

  [C]Understanding and compassion.

  [D]Resentment and avoidance.

  45.Which of the following can best explain“AIDS tests the institutions upon which our societv rcsfs, according to the passage?

  [A] AIDS is a sign of moral failure and social c011aDse.

  [B]AIDS indicates that our social systems have been very inefficient.

  [C] The responses of a society to the threat of AIDS detemines whether and to what extent the society can be called civilized.

  [D]The spreading of the fatal disease suggests that the nation’s resources have been wron91y used.


  46. When you have a job interview, you should__________

  [A]wear clothes which are too casual

  [B] wear clothes which are too formal

  [C]wear clothes which are expensive

  [D]wear right clothes

  47. The first and lasting impression of you is made by

  [A]the clothes you wear

  [B]the manner you speak

  [C]the questions you ask

  [D] your background

  48. When being interviewed,___________

  [A] you must be aggressive

  [B] you must make a speech which calls attention to itself

  [C]you should speak clearly and loudly

  [D]you can speak with dialect differences

  49. The interviewer can know whether you are knowledgeable for the job by

  [A]your personal appearance

  [B]the way you speak

  [C] your self-confidence

  [D]the questions you ask

  50. To succeed in a job interview, you must __________

  [A]dress appropriately

  [B] pay close attention to your manner of speaking

  [C]show enthusiasm and self-confidence

  [D]all of the above


  51. In the first paragraph, the author argues that

  [A]the Europeans were innocent in the trade of African slaves

  [B]slavery in Africa and in the West was the same in nature

  [C]the view in the most recent studies of enslavement is baseless

  [D] slaves had been treated even more cruelly in the African tradition

  52. Which of the following was true of the local African slavery?

  [A]Slaves might have their own families.

  [B]The son of a slave might not be a slave.

  [C]Slavery was confined to the coastal regions.

  [D]There was no killing in African slavery.

  53. The sentence "This argument, can be carried too far" implies that__________

  [A]African’s traditional slavery was’inhumane

  [B]the slavery in Africa was confined to some regions

  [C]supporters of this argument knew little of Africa

  [D]slave shipment was not so serious as was imagined

  54. Supporters of the rationalization of slavery believe that the trade

  [A]was out of good intents from the beginning

  [B]helped the development of local religion

  [C]was a help for civilizing the Africans

  [D]drove the evils out of the African religions

  55. The relation between the two paragraphs is that in the 2nd paragraph the author

  [A]challenges the viewpoint in the first paragraph

  [B]modifies his view expressed in the first paragraph

  [C]provides the reason for the argument in the first paragraph

  [D]further analyzes the issue discussed in the first paragraph


  56. What is the new business which emerged in Washington D. C?

  [A]Helping to establish small industries.

  [B]Making false tickets and driver’s licenses.

  [C]Assisting in organizing congressional hearings.

  [D]OIfering to go through official procedures for clients.

  57. Which of the following is true according to the text?

  [A]The fines for offenders range from $ 20 to $1000 or more.

  [B]Television broadcasters are liable to receive parking tickets.

  [C]Fines are sometimes cancelled when tickets are well written.

  [D]Michael Dorsey’s working experience helped with his new business.

  58. This new business is not liked by all partly because __________

  [A]it shifts the tax load from the poor to the rich

  [B]it gets profit by undermining the two-layered system

  [C]it harms the interests of local governments

  [D]it violates the equal opportunities principle

  59. It can be inferred from the text that service expediters could possibly__________

  [A]pick out troubles for elderly and disabled people

  [B]help collect fines for local governments

  [C]sting the government into improving services

  [D]help poor foreigners navigate home

  60. The best title for the text probably is __________

  [A]The Taming of the Queue

  [B]Controversy over New Businesses

  [C]You Wait, I Wait, We All Wait

  [D]The Bureaucratic Beast公共英语等级考试