
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 07:29:49 公共英语等级考试

  Section Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

  Part A


  Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET by drawing a thick line across the corresponding letter in the brackets.

  Text 1

  After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.

  There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.

  Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (Although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.

  If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion the counting sheep will put you to sleep!

  46 A good title for this passage is ____.

  A. Sleep C. Dreams

  B. Good Health D. Work and Rest

  47. The word drowsy in the last paragraph means ____.

  A. sick C. asleep

  B. stand up D. a little sleepy

  48. This passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you _____.

  A. dream more often C. nervous

  B. have poor health D. breathe quickly

  49. During REM, ____.

  A. your eyes move quickly C. you are restless

  B. you dream D. both A and B

  50. The average number of hours of sleep that an adult needs is ______ .

  A. approximately six hours C. about eight hours

  B. around ten hours D. not stated here

  Text 2

  Obviously television has both advantages and disadvantages.

  In the first place, television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one. With a TV set in the family people don’t have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre, the cinema, or the opera .All they have to so is to push a button or turn a knob, and they can see plays, films, operas and shows of every kind. Some people, however, think that this is where the danger lies. The television viewers need do nothing. He does not even have to use his legs if the has a remote control. He makes no choice and exercises, no judgment. He is completely passive and has everything presented to him without any effort in his part.

  Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events and the latest developments in science and politics. The most distant countries and the strangest customs are brought right into one’s sitting room. It could be argued that the radio performs this service as well; but on television everything is much more living, much more real. Yet here again there is a danger. The television screen itself has a terrible, almost physical charm for us. We get so used to looking at the movements on it ,so dependent on its pictures, that it begins to control our lives. People are often heard to say that their television sets have broken down and that they have suddenly found that they have far more time to do things and the they have actually begin to talk to each other again. It makes one think, doesn’t it?

  There are many other arguments for and against television. We must realize that television itself is neither good nor bad. It is the uses that it is put to that determine its value to society.

  51. What is the major function of paragraph 1?

  A. To arouse the reader’s concern

  B. To introduce the theme of the whole passage

  C. To summarize the whole passage

  D. To sate the primary uses of TV

  52. Television, as a source of entertainment, is ______.

  A. not very convenient B. very expensive

  C. quite dangerous D. relatively cheap

  53. Why are some people against TV?

  A. Because TV programs re not interesting

  B. Because TV viewers are totally passive

  C. Because TV prices are very high.

  D. Because TV has both advantages and disadvantages

  54. One of the most obvious advantages of TV is that ______.

  A. it keeps us informed

  B. it is very cheap

  C. it enables us to have a rest

  D. it controls our lives

  55. According to the passage, whether TV is good or not depends on _______ .

  A. its quality B. people ’s attitude towards it

  C. how we use it D. when we use it


  46.A 文章的第一段谈到睡眠能使身体健康, 第二段、第三段谈到睡眠的几种状态,最后一段谈到很快入睡的几种方法。因此整篇文章都围绕睡眠而谈, 因此A为正确答案。

  47.D. drowsy :瞌睡的, 想睡的。 因为上一句的意思是:“如果你睡觉有困难的话, 有人建议慢慢的深深呼吸。”紧接着作者说:“另外一些人认为喝热牛奶能使你…, 根据上下文应该选“瞌睡的”, 因此只有D 最符合题意。sick : 有病的;stand up :起立。 asleep : 睡着的。

  48.B 答案在文章的第一段第二句话:“Sleep is necessary for good health.”意思是:“睡眠有利于身体健康。”因此本句的意思是睡眠不足有害健康。只有B最符合题意。

  49.D 答案在第三段第二句话:“Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs your eyeballs begin to move more quickly.”意思是:“研究睡眠的科学家指出一个人做梦的时候眼球移动速度加快。”因此正确答案为D。

  50.D 文章中没有谈到成年人的平均睡眠时间。

  51.B 文章的第一段只有一句话:“Obviously television has both advantages and disadvantages.”意思是:“显然, 电视既有缺点又有优点”, 紧接着文章围绕着这一主题展开讨论。因此本段的作用是引出文章的主题。B 最符合题意。

  52.D 答案在文章第二段的第二句话:“In the first place, television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one.”意思是:“电视不仅是很方便的娱乐的来源, 而且相对便宜。”因此只有D最符合题意。

  53.B 答案在文章的第二段有这样两个句子:“some people think that this is where the danger lies.” “He is completely passive and has everything presented to him without any effort on his part.”有些人认为电视的危险在于观众变的被动了。因此B为正确答案。

  54.A 答案在第三段的第一句话:“television , it is often said, keeps one informed about current events and the latest developments in science and politics.”电视能使人们了解科学、政治领域里的最新发展。因此A 最符合题意。

  55.C 答案在文章的最后一句话:“It is the uses that is put to that determine value to society.”意思是:“电视的使用决定它对社会的价值。”因此C 正确答案。公共英语等级考试