有一道英语题帮忙看看what kind of f____ do you like best in Beijing?根据字母提示填单词下面有一个答句I think I like beijing Duck best. I like chinese scenery and I also like chinese food.I'm looking forward to going there soon

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 23:36:45
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有一道英语题帮忙看看what kind of f____ do you like best in Beijing?根据字母提示填单词下面有一个答句I think I like beijing Duck best. I like chinese scenery and I also like chinese food.I'm looking forward to going there soon 麻烦帮忙看看下面的英语句子为什么选择Bit is important to realize what kind of person you are,which special qualities( )you outstanding among people and what you areinterested in.A.helps B.makes C.make D.help what kind of people use google额 算是卖弄一下半桶水的英语了 关键是要回答是哪种类型的人 看看例子 (早有准备~) 一道英语IQ题What kind of room has no walls,no doors,no windows,and no floors? 帮忙看看最后一道题咋做啊, 一道数学题,帮忙看看,谢谢. 那位大仙帮忙看看英语题 解决 一道英语题 帮忙看看 解释一下为什么?解决一道英语题 帮忙看看I like that ___ cat .A.valuable Egyptian bronzeB.Egyptian valuable bronzeC.bronze valuable EgyptianD.valuable bronze Egyptian 求帮忙,一道英语题. 大家帮忙做一道英语选择填空题~What else do you like________(besides/except)swimming? “什么种类”用英语怎么说要求精准!是what kind 还是what kind of?what kind of 译为“什么种类的”what kind中kind是名词形式,该用哪个?是词组互译中的题! 英语高手帮忙看看这篇作文有没有语法错误 能不能帮忙看看英语,有没有什么错误?873166196 求英语权威帮忙看看有没有错,急 看看我这个英语句子有没有语法,或其他方面的错误?what kind of suggestions can you give to the chinese govervement to solve the air pollution? 英语高手来看看我这句话有没问题.I don't know what to write.若有错请帮忙改正. 英语看看我有没有语法错误?There are numerous choices throughout everyone’s life,and every decision you would make may cause an enormous influence on your life so that what kind of life you have is dependent on what kind of choice you wou 数学一道应用题,帮忙看看对了吗