内容:I had _______ that I would always remember it.选项:a、so a good experienceb、such a good experiencec、so good an experienced、such good an experience选择哪个呀,为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 00:33:26
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I had better _______ now.(leave leaving) I didn’t have enough money _______ a taxi,so I had to walk _______ home Where were you this time yesterday morning?I just stayed home and __TV at thA:wacth B:was wacthing c:had wacthed I had no chance to explain what had happened的同义句 I didn't _______ explain what had 内容:I had _______ that I would always remember it.选项:a、so a good experienceb、such a good experiencec、so good an experienced、such good an experience选择哪个呀,为什么 1.——I don'know which to buy.Can you give me some adivce?——You ___ try on this T-shirt.It looks nice.A.had not better B.had better not C.had better D.had better to2.--Haven't I told you that I don't like sugar in coffee?--Yes.I ______ less tha I bought a house _______ what I had saved for several years. 翻译Tha is all I have told you today. The old computer _______(break) down easily,so I had to restart it again and again. I had something sweet for breakfast this morning.(改为一般疑问句) _______you _______ ______ _____fo _______ your letter,I would have started ff two days ago.AIf I recevied B.Had I received 高中英语同义句转换1.I need to improve my grades so I can go to a good university.= I need to improve my grades _______ _______ I go to a good university.2.What I had to do was to enjoy my adolescence.= _______ _______ I had to do was _______ 达人进!急I_______ to write a letter to John this morning ,ut I _______ no time , said TomA.hoped ; hadB.had hoped ; have C.had hoped ; had --- You should have stopped him when he _______ in anger.--- I _______, but it so happened before I could. A. left; was going to B. had left; had to C. left; did D. had left; would 对括号内容提问I play basketball (four times) a month. _______ ______ ________ a month _______ you play basketball? he knew tha he had found the kind of man he wanted怎么翻译 I earnestly wish I _______ present at the conference last FridayA could be B were C was D had Had i know her name,_______.B i would have invited her to have lunch 为什么选B