请说说主谓宾:To tell you the truth.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 04:16:22
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请说说主谓宾:To tell you the truth. we can't afford all that money,请说说主谓宾? Can you tell us how to do it?Can you tell us what to do 谁能告诉我这两个句子的主谓宾分别是什么谢谢 请说说主谓宾The only way to do this was to operate.do 和was都是动词啊? 分析句子:I can't without you 这个句子对吗 对请分析主谓宾等等 I don't want to tell you. l didn't tell you to Do you go to school by bus or by bike?请帮忙分主谓宾关系 请高手帮我翻译:I don't want to tell you i have something important to tell you 分析句子成分,就是主谓宾定状补都是那些 Tell him which class you are in 请区分一下该句的成分,谢谢(就是分一下主谓宾) To tell you the truth ,I don't love you . How fine it must be to have had the opportunities you have had in life请问怎么理解上句?-直译 说说主谓宾 ()didn't believe what you said because () didn't believe in you.(i ,my)饿.某英语白痴对主谓宾分不清嗯请个位快一点 Don't get nervous,help yourself to what you like.句子成分分析请帮忙具体分析主谓宾各是什么,后面一句是对前面的重复,还是做其他成分,或者是并列关系,如果是并列关系,请帮忙划分主谓宾, 这句子的主谓宾是?I'm gonna tell you something. 高分求初中英语句子成分分析!I want you to tell me the truth.(我看网上有的给主谓间宾直宾,有的给主谓宾宾补)His parents named him John.(为什么这个是主谓宾宾补?宾补不是都是跟在一个动词之后to I Don T Know What To Tell You 歌词