帮我写两篇:1.Whant can you do to make Hanzhong more beautiful 为了让汉中更加美丽我能做些什么?2.How can you help your parents with the housework?(我能帮助父母做哪些家务活?)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 04:43:58
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帮我写两篇:1.Whant can you do to make Hanzhong more beautiful 为了让汉中更加美丽我能做些什么?2.How can you help your parents with the housework?(我能帮助父母做哪些家务活?) Whant can you I whant to speak english~and who can help me? 请各位同志帮个忙 帮我把下面几个英语填空填好.填介词1.The date ( ) his birth is May 4th 2.Can you see the bike ( ) the tree?3.What does Emma want to buy ( ) her sister?4.We have the Olympic Games ( ) Augst 8th,2008,5.What can yo 一首很欢快的歌曲名字叫什么?好像i can be your girlfriend一首很欢快的英文歌,我爱记歌词麦霸之城中总是出现的那个庆祝的歌词貌似yo yo yo yo i can be your gilfriendyo yo yo yo …… 帮忙起个好听特殊点的英文名最好后面可以跟YO YO的Joanna YO YO算不算英文名好听不?帮我起个,就yoyo可以吗是不是太多人取了? 用英语写个班级之最的短语求那个帮忙比如A;whant is the .stydent in our class?B:.那个帮下我谢谢了写多点我上面那个只是比如 whant do you think people can do in Lao She teahouse?翻译 the question is _we can not go there today.A.thatBwhich C.whant D when whant happened ,as well as it can be put into words ,was this怎么翻译 这段英语是什么意思请帮我翻一下...Whant s the matter?I m not feeling well.I have a cold .When did it strt?About two dangs ago.Oh 英语翻译太阳照在你脸上 唱:宋岳庭 yo!keep it on yo!yo!yo!rock oh!uhn,uhn yeah~ha ha...yo!can i hit tha',mama 你有美好的曲线 请让我 touch tha'不好意思 fuck that!i've been watchin' you,you've been watchin' me 我现在问你 yo Oh,It's a surperrise Do yo u know what's it mean 请帮我翻译下 Yo no te olvido,a olvidar los recuerdos.无论是哪国语言 好心人帮我翻译下 帮我看看我的英语广告是否有问题.NEED AN ENGLISH TEACHERHello,overseas!Can You Speak English?I'm looking for an English speaking student as a teacher to help me practicing my spoken English for the TOEFL test witch I'll take next year.Yo 关于玩电脑游戏的3人英语对话每人至少7句话如题!求有人帮我改一下下面的对话,改成三人的,每人至少7句话-Hi Tom, -hijim-it is 12 PM now, can’t you just be quiet?-I am playing a very interesting program. Would yo 翻译英语,帮我把下面的翻译下,本人英语太菜Compliments to you and i hope you are doing great. Please Can we befriends? I am looking for a true and sincere friend for relationship.Iwill tell you more about me when i get a reply from yo