关于in which 和 whereIt was in the factory where he works that his father worked,我想问为什么这里where可以用in which 替代,不是只有定语从句才可以么?这里 in the factory 做的是状语还是定语?我老是分不清楚,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 18:26:20
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关于in which 和 whereIt was in the factory where he works that his father worked,我想问为什么这里where可以用in which 替代,不是只有定语从句才可以么?这里 in the factory 做的是状语还是定语?我老是分不清楚, It was our college library _____ I borrowed the novel..A.which B.in which C.that D.whereIt was our college library _____ I borrowed the novel..A.which B.in which C.that D.where it is in后面用what还是whereit is in the zoo ( ) we saw the elephant.我认为前面有in了,where= in which,用这就重复了,不过还是很疑惑 关于the way 的定语从句which 和 in which 分别在什么时候使用 that和whereIt is in the store _____ science books are sold.为啥填的是that还有Not you but I ___asked to help rebuild the tower.为什么填的是am Was it in the park you and your girlfriend met for the first time 为什么用that不应whereit was in the hotle where he stayed 这里为什么用where 前面不是有介词in了么,为什么不用which that 两问哈 求正解 感激不尽1.it was in which和for which 等于什么 which和in which 的不同 which和in which有什么区别? 关于定语从句which 和in which的问题An open-door method of managing is one in which you get things done by delegating tasks and motivating people.这句话中为什么用了in which 而不是which? where和in which区别? 我看到了你在百度知道上关于in which 和of which的用法,冒昧向你请教:in which 和of which究竟有什么区别?请举例 on which ,in which,of which ,from which 的用法和区别. in which .on which.of which 和to which的意思最好每个都有例句 in which和on which有什么区别呢? by which和in which 有什么区别,请举例, 关于by which和by which time,怎么用? 关于by which和by which time,怎么用?