At last Eliza Clark won the prize___ the quietest performer.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 06:05:08
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At last Eliza Clark won the prize___ the quietest performer. 1.At last Eliza Clark won the prize___ the quietest performer.A:in B:at C:for D:on2.The hot weather ____ for two weeks.A:goes on B:lasted C:came D:came with3.It seldom rains or snows in spring,____?A:isn`t it B:does it C:doesn`t it D:did it4.It is in 一道8年级英语填空题last weeks talent show______a great success there_______ fifteen acts.eliza clark won the prize for the _________performer she played a beautiful piano yue was the________performer.he danced without music.the priz Eliza clark won the prize for the best performer?表什么? Last week`s talent show was a great success.There were fifteen acts.Eliza Clark won the prize for翻译,the best performer.Sheplayed a beautiful piano piece.Hu yue was the quietest performer.he danced a beautiful piano piece.这个也翻 英语翻译小短文 Last week's talent show was a great success .There were fifteen acts .Eliza Clark won the prize for the best performer .She played a beautiful piano piece .Hu Yue was the quietest performer .He denced without music .The prize fo 什么什么的称号用英语怎么说Eliza Clark won ---- ---- ----- (……的称号)the best performer .三条线上各填什么,快回答啊, 汉译英!哥哥姐姐快来!1、在冬天有一个冰雪节.There is _____ Ice and Snow ____ _____ winter.2、他今天没有吃早饭就去上学了.He went to school ____ _____ _____today.3、Eliza Clark 获最风趣表演者奖.Eliza Clark ______ cleck:hello,David.when is your ___1___?David:It‘s the last day of the year.Cleck:oh,it's__2___31st.Right?David:__3__,you are right.Clark:What__4__do you have at your school?David:We have a chinese Speech __5__each year.Clark:__6__is it?David: at last at last When did you Eliza's home last night?A get BWhen did you Eliza's home last night?A get B get to Cgot D got to请用语法知识解释为什么, 修改病句:If you love tasty food,you may find them at Clark's Restaurant at long lastat long At last at least 造句 用'at last'造句 what happened at last? Last marker is at