请问这句话能这样说么?I don't like talk show is one of the main reasons that they are very boring

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 01:00:23
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请问这句话能这样说么?I don't like talk show is one of the main reasons that they are very boring i don´t understand可以这样说吗,这句话成立吗 Don't promise me what.I don't want to trust you 能说一下这句话有语法错误吗? 请问..这两句话有什麼区别?I don't believe.I can't believe. I don't like studying at all 能这样说吗 I don't even want to know .这句话可以这么说吗 把 I even don't want to know .也就是也就是把even 可以吗 想什么alawys actually just 等等有时候也可以这样换吗 谁能告诉我这几句话的意思 1.l want to find a true love?l dont think so 2.l want find a soul mate,i 1.l want to find a true love?l dont think so 2.l want find a soul mate,im sure 3.Soul mate,such you4.gong night 请问i don't know (how i should do) next 这句话为啥是错的? 请问谁能解释下这句话:I already spend my evenings doing things I don't really know how to do yet. i even don't know这句话这么说不行吗?为什么? 英语纠错-请问这句话有错误吗?4I don't like listening lecture 这句可以这样说吗?I don't know what do you want saying 这句英语可以这样说吗For the what?i Don't know. I won't buy that I don't need it请问这句话中的will为什么要用过去式,如果不用will用don't l don't regret it because i want to leave this is out of my love这句话什么意思? I don’t think that’s my fault. Isn’t it?请问上面这句话有问题吗?谢谢! I often do something that i don't have to 请问一下这句话有语法错误吗?如题 I Don’t Wanna Boyfriend!听说这句话有语法及用词错误,意思是这样说也没多大问题?