写一份主题是What is marketing?的英文介绍.包括定义,内容.举例,说明.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 17:42:55
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写一份主题是What is marketing?的英文介绍.包括定义,内容.举例,说明. What is market segmentation? what is the difference between market investigation and market research? What is a market?Give 2 examples.我想知道的是两个例子 market is what is market extremes?很着急谢谢了~~ BEC口语:what is important when producing a market plan? The market economy is quickly changing people’s idea on__ is accepted.中间 为什么填 what , To what extent is the lack of wide variation in prices evidence of alack of competition in a market是有关经济方面的. 以“法律在我身边”为主题做一份社会调查,写一份调查报告 labour market is 怎么写团日活动计划书我是大一的新生,刚当上团支书就要写一份计划书,不知道怎么写,希望各位能帮忙写一份让我参考一下.主题是关于“创新.活力增强” 急求一份高中英语演讲稿.主题是时间管理. what is the excellent material for solid wood flooring in Chinese market 谁能帮我写一份控制在5分钟内的演讲稿,主题不限.一定要是自己写的最好贴近生活,最好是励志的 我校要开展主题班会,请以“XX是我家,爱护靠大家”为题,写一份发言稿,200字左右,主要写环境卫生那一方面. These are ares of growth in what is a total market worth an estimated...in what 部分~ how to translate this sentence?About marketingHow can proctor and Gamble market household products to a male market segment?what is the household meaning?Thank you