写一份主题是What is marketing?的英文介绍.包括定义,内容.举例,说明.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 20:04:25
写一份主题是What is marketing?的英文介绍.包括定义,内容.举例,说明.
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写一份主题是What is marketing?的英文介绍.包括定义,内容.举例,说明.
写一份主题是What is marketing?的英文介绍.

写一份主题是What is marketing?的英文介绍.包括定义,内容.举例,说明.
what is marketing
Today,marketing must be understood not in the old sense of making a sale—“telling and selling”—but in the new sense of satisfying customer needs.Selling occurs only after a product is produced.By contrast,marketing starts long before a company has a product.Marketing is the homework that managers undertake to assess opportunity exists.Marketing continues by improving product appeal and performance,learning from product sales results,and managing repeat performance.If the marketer does a good job of understanding consumer needs,develops products that provide superior value,and prices,distributes,and promotes them effectively,these products will sell very easily.

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