一个有点疑问的英语句子Nations around the world should hope to someday reach the point where their police force can afford not to carry guns and still be effective.这句话中的can afford not to是不是等同于cannot afford to?精确一

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 02:49:40
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一个有点疑问的英语句子Nations around the world should hope to someday reach the point where their police force can afford not to carry guns and still be effective.这句话中的can afford not to是不是等同于cannot afford to?精确一 名为marriage across nations的英语作文求一篇题目为marriage across nations的英语口试作文,160字左右哈,希望句子能简单点 这个英语句子有点疑问your gentle voice I hear.看到某一段歌词 这个是一个完整的句子吗?如果是怎看起来好像省略了什麼... 很简单的一个计算,其中有点疑问. 一个英语疑问,这三个句子有什么区别吗 关于这个英语句子的一个疑问I did visit a village which is the home of one of the boys.为什么visit前面加个did, 一个关于when的从句的英语问题,请大家帮忙~~!急~~~~~我在文章中写了一个句子:She first came alive to me when I was searching for movie stars and watched a video of Rhythm Nations by chance.这样可以吗? When 一个英语句子看不懂American values and the particular conditions in the United States both contributed to the establishment of “nation of many nations”.是什么意思“nation of many nations”. 关于英语Grammer的问题还有点疑问:及物动词和不及物动词通常有哪些? 麻烦给举一个主语是疑问代词的句子.还有受疑问代词修饰的句子! a First Nations person的汉语意思是什么 疑问的英语怎么说? 英语一个句子或者特殊疑问句句作主语怎么用可以用吗 一个不定积分的疑问 高一英语----关于从句什么从句是:疑问词引导一个陈述语序什么从句是:疑问词引导一个疑问语序还是从句都是一个疑问词引导陈述语序?有点蒙蒙的...`-`‖ 一个看似简单的英语句子The bank is in difficulty .请标准翻译一下.有点晕晕的.呵呵 一个英语句子 主语的疑问what the teacher had wortten on the board {were}keys to the problem括号里的为什么是{WERE而不是 WAS 连词成句 children trip camping having are a the 还有一个 该写句子的 Tom has apot and a stove(一般疑问