选择70选B还是D,Why?When you buy a pair of Nike shoes, do you know they have something to do with Greek gods and goddesses(女神).Nike was a Greek goddess. She ran and flew very fast. She was also 68 all the contests, athletic(运动

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:31:10
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选择70选B还是D,Why?When you buy a pair of Nike shoes, do you know they have something to do with Greek gods and goddesses(女神).Nike was a Greek goddess. She ran and flew very fast. She was also 68 all the contests, athletic(运动 I wondered ____made him so nervous..三星笔试P 70页A how B Why C what D When 这道题为什么选择what 单项选择 -( ) do you like science?-Because it's interesting.A.What B.When C.Which D.Why ( ) are you late fou school?I'm sorry.A.What B.When C.How D.Why 应该选择哪个 选择,he hoped ( )he did could make my aunt happy A.how B.what C.when D.why He was punished.That was___He had broke the window of the classroomA that B becase C when D why(选择后请帮忙分析一下问什么选B而不选D?) ( ) did the writer fell?Angry 括号选什么 A.What B.Why C.When D.How 英语翻译A how B what C when D why ( )We have not decided----we will go to Shanghai next week.A.where B.when C.why D.how这个题是选B还是D?如果B选错吗? 选择 when you have finished the book,pleace ___ in on the shelfA.replace B.take place C.take place of D.in place of ABD都是取代的意思,C好像不对啊?选哪个?why? 求大神解析一道英语选择we'll discuss many situations___english beginners fail to use this expressionA.when B.on which C.where D.why why not_your teacher for help when you con't finish_it by yourself?A:ask,write B:to ask,writing C:ask,writing D:asking,write(单项选择) I'm not sure ( )next.A.what to do B.how to do C.when to do D.why to do 选择哪个呢?原因是什么?谢 初一的两个英语题,急1选择It's time for him____the guitar.A for play B to playC to playing D.play2选择____a good time to listen to himA How B WhatC Why D When 第五题选择,不知道选B还是D, 选择第九题选B还是D?帮个忙, 化学选择第十题选b还是d呢? 选择英语 The ground is white ( ) it snows.A.when B.what C.why