这句话怎么翻译,请教高手!Parts made of steel purchased to this specification are not to be used when welding is part of the assemble procedure.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/22 21:54:01
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这句话怎么翻译,请教高手!Parts made of steel purchased to this specification are not to be used when welding is part of the assemble procedure. He will provide parts at FOB net cost 这句话怎么翻译? parts汉语怎么翻译? 请大家帮我想想这句话怎么翻译There are many parts to the business letter — some required, some optional. This week will review those parts and their order. The parts of the business letter follow: parts identified with either of these numbers are indentical in all respects.这句话怎么翻译更好呢? When a reduced number of parts will be treated in one batch.这句话该怎么翻译比较合适, 向英文高手请教:麻烦给翻译“still to come”这句话是什么意思?这句话常在cctv9上出现 向各位高手请教,Media这词在机械中应当怎么翻译啊? 出厂检测报告英文怎么翻译?请教各位高手了! 一切有为法,如梦幻泡影.如露亦如电,应作如是观.这句话是什么意思哈?请教高手!最好用白话文翻译! 请教托福阅读里的一句话Day and night were dividedinto the same number of parts, so that except at the equinoxes, days and nighthours were unequal.这句话是不是逻辑很矛盾.请问如何翻译 major parts out sourced怎么翻译 What's the chinese meaning of the blacken parts in the first paragraph?翻译这句话 这句话怎么理解Anything you think there shoud be more of ,do it randomly请教高手 请教英语大师,这句话怎么翻译?Our hotel is right out in the country. “加格达奇行政上属于黑龙江管辖”,这句话英文怎么翻译呢?如题,请教了! I'm an invIncible superman高手翻译下这句话饿.3Q 怎么发音这首Short Skirt/Long Jacket歌曲,本人英语不懂,请教高手写下谐音翻译,感谢