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123.131.131. 英语翻译CHONG YEE FAHNO.131.JLNBOLA KERANJANG81850 LAYANG LAYANGFOHOR 日本福岛核电站事故怎么整出了碘131. 核泄漏污染物为什么是铯、碘131.核反应堆燃料是铀,放射性污染为什么是铯和碘呢? 有自然数1-2005,每隔3个数字有逗号“123,456,789,101,112,131..”在第888个逗号后第三个数字是?写出分析 小明在计算有余数除法时,把被除数113错写成131.商比原来多3,但余数相同,这题的除数是多少? 英语翻译131.W.Jackson St.painesville.ohio.44077能帮我看下吗,似乎是个地址啊,我们要和国外的亲戚联系啊,帮下忙吧,朋友们 数组1,2,(),67,131.括号内填以下哪个最合理?A:3 B:6 C:18 D:24.说明原因这好像是什么智力测试的题,找找规律, 甲乙两种成本共2200元甲商品按20%的利润定价乙商品按15%的利润定价都按定价的90%打折出售,结果仍获利131.问甲乙成本各多少 小明在计算有余数的除法时,把被除数113错写成131.商比原来多3,但余数恰巧相同.这题的除数是多少? 英语试题131.---didn't the guard see him breaking into the bank?---no,he______in the other directionA was looking B had looked C looked D is looking2.how can you possibly miss the news?it_______on TV all day longA has been B had been C was D will 英语翻译131.This offer is subject to your reply reaching here on or before 29,June.132.If we can receive your order within the next 10 days,we will make you a firm order at the prices quoted.133.This offer is firm for 5 days.134.The price we quot 131.元素X和Y在周期表中处于相邻周期,这两种元素的离子所含质子数之和为21,Y元素的原子核外电子数比X的原子核外电子数多5个,下列叙述正确的是A.Y元素的原子可通过共价键构成固体单质B.x 已知sinα=15/17,cosβ= -5/13,α,β∈(π/2,π),求cos(α+β)的值已知sinα=15/17,cosβ= -5/131.若α,β∈(π/2,π),求cos(α+β)的值2.若α,β∈(0,π),求cos(α+β)的值 帮忙翻译一下:商务英语口语900句里的Unite Six 报盘131.This offer is subject to your reply reaching here on or before 29,June. 132.If we can receive your order within the next 10 days, we will make you a firm order at the prices quote 懂西语和数学的人进1:hay parejas de numeros primos donde uno es el resultado de invertir el orden de las cifras del otro,como por ejemplo,13 y 31.y otros que,por ser capicuas,no se distinguen uno del otro,como 131 y 131.encuentra las demas pa 英语翻译131.__ the observations or predictions ___ to be as expected,the scientist has added confidence in the probable truth of his hypothesis.A.Should … turn out B.Would … turn out C.If … would turn out D./ … turn out 我们已知的放射物质,是一些物质的原子核能发生衰变.如碘-131衰变为氙131.如果我们在衰变之前,用化学方式进行中和发生物理沉淀,或者利用带有放射性的元素进行化学反应,能否有效的控制放