factor by letting m=x^2a) 4x^4-37x^2+9b) 9^4-148x^2+64

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 05:01:12
factor by letting m=x^2a) 4x^4-37x^2+9b) 9^4-148x^2+64 letting letting letting. please translate it i'm letting go go down by a factor of 是一道数学题出现的,说x变化后y会go down by a factor of 2是go down,所以是y=-2x还是y=2x? reduce by a factor of 3 to 4怎么翻译 英语翻译The divider circuit 14 (division factor a·n/m) shown in FIG.1may pass a·n = 2 clock cycles in a frame of m = 8,7,or 5clock cycles of the first clock signal,respectively,e.g.by using a clock gate (and a counter). 海森堡不确定性求助!1.Use the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to calculate Deltax for an electron with Deltav = 0.585 m/s.2.By what factor is the uncertainty of the (above) electron's position larger than the diameter of the hydrogen atom?(A 海森堡不确定性求助啊!1.Use the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to calculate Deltax for an electron with Deltav = 0.585 m/s.2.By what factor is the uncertainty of the (above) electron's position larger than the diameter of the hydrogen atom 海森堡不确定性原理,1.Use the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to calculate Deltax for an electron with Deltav = 0.585 m/s.2.By what factor is the uncertainty of the (above) electron's position larger than the diameter of the hydrogen atom?(A 英语翻译RNA recognition by the embryonic cell fatedeterminant and germline totipotency factor MEX-3Renewal of totipotent stem cells in the germline and cellular differentiation during early embryogenesis rely upon posttranscriptional regulatory m 那个horizontal stretch by a factor of 是说横纵坐标那个horizontal stretch by a factor of 4是什么意思?是说横纵坐标都乘4吗,还是扩大移动什么的, Letting Go It has been increased by a factor of 4 since 1995.怎么翻译? the force is smaller by a factor of N如何翻译啊 The power factor in an ac circuit is improved by connecting a capacitor proc factor data=socecon M=prin priors=one p=0.8 simple corr; var x1-x8; run; p=0.8是什么