no worse than / not worst than的区别

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 09:16:26
xQJPd6+ř!L øsv:;G׌..ξߧY݀a*|Nt⃨S WCK3V6?jd~-IDC nG{/Xc4^Dqc='=GN7cgikҞB2B9r˴2ax
no worse than 和 not worse than no worse than 与 not worse than 有何区别 no worse than / not worst than的区别 no better than ,not better than ,no poor than ,not poor than,和no worse than ,not worse than的区别 还有麻烦请讲下这样的短语的一般记法 在这里谢谢了 英语翻译Better than worse,but no alternative -----海词典典翻译Trifled with,but not an alternative-------灵格斯翻译Better than worse,but no alternative------有道翻译No good,but not offbeat-------金山词霸翻译哪一种最接近, no more than还是not more than?-Try this cake.It tastes delicious.-Well,at least,it is no worse than the one I cooked yesterday.这个句子中的no worse than是不是应该为not worse than啊?那么这句应该怎么翻译呢? —This cake is delicious . —Well,at least it is___________the one baked last weed worse worse thanD.not better better than Is the flower beautiful ?Yes ,at____it's ____the one you bought for me .Alast;as bad as Bleast;no better than Clast;not better Dleast;no worse than -I didn't do well in the exam.-I did ___ than you.A no worse B no better C not better i didn't do well in lanuages.i did ---you,so we are half and halfA,not batter than batter then Cno worse whan D.nearly worse than 3道高中英语选择题1.Tom did well in the last English exam, and much to my delight, Mary did___than worse B.not worse 选A,老师说是什么带有感情色彩 但它们的意思是--no worse than:没有比...更糟的了 not worse The cake is delicious. Well,at least it is ( )the one I bought last weekA as bad as B no worse than C no better than D not better than Death is not worse pain than an empty being yourself is never worse than not being yourself.翻译、 it is important to remember that while you are no worse than others,chances you have may not be much better 高中英语选择一道!---The chicken soup is so tasty.---Well ,at least it is__the one I cooked last bad as worse than better than D.not better no more...than 与 not...more than I didn't do well in the exam.What about you,dear?I did _____ than worse better more D.not better为什么不能选C