请大家看一下这道语法题有关句子成分划分.原题为;Often the design of a scholarly investigation _____by the question it is addressing.(A) to affect(B) affects(C) affected(D) will be affected谓语动词被动.但是我不明白the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 04:59:07
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请大家看一下这道语法题有关句子成分划分.原题为;Often the design of a scholarly investigation _____by the question it is addressing.(A) to affect(B) affects(C) affected(D) will be affected谓语动词被动.但是我不明白the 请给我讲讲这句话用到的语法和短语划分一下句子成分并翻译The results on which so much depends are often nothing more a subjective assessment by some anonymous examiner.depends是名词还是动词 请大家帮我看一下这道物理题 The bus comes here.请帮我分析一下这个句子的结构,划分句子成分. He was seen to cross the street.请划分一下句子成分 jane is good at playing the piano,请划分一下句子成分.越细越好. 我比你美 请划分句子成分 句子成分划分 划分句子成分. 1 怎样划分下面的句子成分?(主谓宾定状补是什么请指出) 2 划分之后的中心语是?(去掉补语等之后最干净1 怎样划分下面的句子成分?(主谓宾定状补是什么请指出)其一 这本书我早就看 what he said 是不是一个完整的句子,是的话请大家帮着做一下句子成分的划分!what he said is true中what he said 是不是一个独立的句子? 英语翻译并分析一下句子成分语法. They are going to build a school for the blind. 请划分一下句子成分 越详细越好 请懂英语的大神帮我看一下这句话,分析一下句子成分.The French and Spanish architecture and laidback lifestyle there is the perfect place to enjoy the upbeat but relaxing sounds of Dixieland jazz. 如果这句话语法有问题,请 请帮忙分析一下句子成分 请大家帮忙看一下作业 划分一下句子成分,然后看一下是不是什么从句之类的~You'd think in this era of labor-saving devices and convenient transportation that few people would have reason to be so tired.这是从句吗? “这件事情使小李的情绪受到很大打击.” 请划分句子成分