分析一句语法I regard playing fireworks as part of necessary celebrations during the festival,___brings a lot of laughter.空里填which ,为什么不能填that ,it,what,请分别讲一下,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 03:01:55
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分析一句语法I regard playing fireworks as part of necessary celebrations during the festival,___brings a lot of laughter.空里填which ,为什么不能填that ,it,what,请分别讲一下, 判断这句语法正误I regard him as the elite of which I have ever taught. 关于regard..as..的英语翻译“我把你视为我的世界,但你却把我视为一粒灰尘”的英语翻译成“i regard you as my world,but you regard me as dust ” 语法有错嘛? 一句英语句子的语法分析,I don't want them stringing along as well语法结构详细分析,举例多个,最好能衍生下, 请帮我分析下这句的语法i will make no such promise.没明白这句的语法 How I learned to learn English 能帮我分析这句的语法吗? I have already checked my files but I cannot find your paper.It cannot have been handed in to me.后面一句理解不了 句意以及语法 能不能帮我分析一下 What I need is a book that contains the ABC of oil painting.请大家分析一下此句所涉及的语法,并一一点出好像是倒装句 ,如果是请帮助我还原句子 求详细解释分析一句英语the reason often given for the low regard in which smell is held is that ,in comparison with its importance among animals.实在看不懂..为什么held 后面是is? regard regard regard Regard. 帮忙分析一下这句句子的语法Could i be so bold as to ask you for a dance? I think talking to someone helps a lot.对此句怎样对语法进行分析,并举例说明. Who was I to make you wait这句语法~·看不懂 干嘛句子里用to,啥意思啊 分析下整句语法, 先看一个英语句子.Yet on the view that what is right is right because it is productive ofthe most good 【 I should not so regard it】.中括号里的句子,怎么翻译?坐作如何的语法结构分析?PS:【】是我自己添加上去的 分析一下这句的语法吧 money spent on advertising is money sp分析一下这句的语法吧money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any i know of.