英语翻译decision-making direction-takingproblem-solving

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英语翻译decision-making direction-takingproblem-solving 翻译 decision making decision taking 与decision making有什麼区别? Decision Making Skill.中文是什么意思? 英语翻译Traditionally,decision-making by managers that is reasoned step-by-step has been considered preferable to intuitive decision-making.请问上面这个句子如何翻译? 英语翻译Deal with decision making and interaction of households and firms.Deal with economy-wide phenomena 英语翻译:They persuaded him from making that decision. 重点是from怎么翻译. 谢谢! judgement 与 decision( decision-making) 有什么区别? decision make 与 decision making 有什么区别 decision making为什么不是 making decision动名词不是应该在名词的前面的吗?making decision,reading section 英语翻译社会决策(social decision making)指的是发生在社会情景下的决策行为一定要标准. 英语翻译what are some critical entry questions that need to be answered when making such a decision? 英语翻译Your below statement concerning decision making demonstrates that you have confidence in your personal judgments.主要是oncerning decision making demonstrates这个部分怎么理解啊?总是弄不通顺. 英语翻译Chapter 6 Decision Making:The Essence of the Manager’s JobⅠ.TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS1.The first step in the decision-making process is identifying a problem.2.The final step in the decision-making process is implementing the chosen altern they always have a family meeting before ----.a make decision b make a decision c making a decision d making decision选哪个?为什么?before 的用法. 英语翻译Whether this change means that the engineer would make a different decision on any praticular claim and the extent to which this change of rule will influence the Engineer when he is making a decision will emerge in time. 英语翻译Our judicial system of decision-making is commonly said to be one of stare decisis--adherence to past decisions ,or precedents. A precedent is a prior decision with facts sufficiently similar to the case subjudice——under adjudic 英语翻译In brief,the resources,knowledges and skills of a corporation should be studied first during the diversification decision process.The business must be chose based on its core competencies on industry analysis when making decision.An ideal