请问这句的as做什么从句,Diana felt very much upset at not having been invited to the party as she had longed to go for a long time.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 07:35:38
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请问这句的as做什么从句,Diana felt very much upset at not having been invited to the party as she had longed to go for a long time. 英语 as引导的从句及其用法AS引导哪些从句,在从句中做什么成分及其词义 [as]这是定语从句吗he never had a player as good as Tom.这句as..as是什么,是定语从句吗,还是什么? I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that hugh was still as fat as ever的后面并列句成分划分to see不定式做什么?that Hugh was still as fat as ever,从句做主句的什么?从句中as fat as ever是表语吗?up 请问as saying that 后面接的是宾语从句还是同位语从句,quoted 为核心动词,那a请问as saying that 后面接的是宾语从句还是同位语从句,quoted 为核心动词,那as做什么解释? 请问?the same as中,as引导的到底是比较状语从句?还是定语从句?怎样区别?This is the same pen as i bought yesterday .as后的是什么从句?as做什么成分?So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost 请问这是从句吗 如果是那是什么从句?as do many businessmen live in downtownI travel to the Binhai New Area every day ,as do many businessmen live in downtown.我知道这是as 的倒装句,类似so as the amount of tea imported increased,the Pricefell .请问as引导的原因状语从句中increased做什么成分?我知道imported在句中是谓语,increased应该是过去分词,但做什么成份? 从句中as的用法例句:The meat was condemned as unfit to eat中的as在句中做什么成分?还有这个句子是什么句?定语从句? It looks as if从句和“It's 3 years since 从句”两句的的IT的含义和用法?请问下面这两个IT的含义和用法?1 It's 3 years since 从句;2 It look as if从句.如果是形式主语,也不对啊,SINCE和AS IF引导的都不是 as和what的用法分别是什么?属于关系代词还是关系副词?分别能用于哪些从句?在从句的做什么成分?放在句首表示什么意义?两者的区别是什么? 请问:as 可以引导主语从句吗?刚看到一个句子:As is shown from the graph,…….在这as引导什么从句啊 请问:as 可以引导主语从句吗?刚看到一个句子:As is shown from the graph,…….在这as引导什么从句啊 英语句子it is known to all that our teacher is beauful英语句子请问:1,这是一个什么句,强调句还是定语从句?2,that做从句成份吗,做什么成分? 请问这是 as 引导的啥从句?属于什么语法现象?As brain sciences plumb the neurology at a mall ,there are discovering measurable different two people. Number the kinds of movies in the order you hear them.这句是什么从句?句中you hear them做什么成分,如果是Number the kinds of movies in the order while/as you hear them。则变成状语从句啦。而这句话在英语书上的翻译 一句宾语从句的句子成分分析.这句宾语从句是He lied to me that.请问,其中“to me做什么成分?如果to me是宾语,那么that引导的从句又是宾语,那么lie后面不就是两个宾语?那这种情况是叫双宾语 句中 用的是什么从句 as 做什么成分So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost the same dialect as people in the northwestern USA.