
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 16:50:28
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bmr是什么意思 什么是BMR BMR是什么 基本代谢率BMR是什么? 基础代谢率(BMR)是指运动消耗吗 健身房的体测表都是英文 bcm bmc bmr ac BMR即基础代谢测定的意义 主要答意义!我问的是意义…… 电厂水处理膜的品牌有哪几种?BMR膜,超滤,微滤,反渗透膜的几大品牌,能详细介绍一下吗?各品牌市场占有率怎么样?谢谢 选择题:Who's going to give me a talk at the meeting? A Mr King is.BMr King does. 为什么选A? Mr.Zhang is willing help BMr.Zhang is willing help B.helping D.helps 在平行四边形abcd中M为CD的中点,如果CD=2AD,则AM,BMR的夹角的度数为---------则AM,BM的夹角的度数 在安静状态下(通常为静卧状态)消耗的最低热量,这叫基础代谢率(BMR).本人 基础代谢率为1576.20大卡,如果没有运动,低于这个数对减肥有用吗? 语法题目请解释分析谢谢为什么不选BMr.Wilson asked me if these islands ( ) Italy.A.have been belonged to B.r belong to C.belong to D.belonged to 英语翻译BMR:Your basal metabolic rate shows the number of calories your body needs to operate.this does't account for any activity,it's simply the energy needed to sustain a heartbeat,breathing and normal body measures the body at Many of the crimes have gone___,because some people dare not report them to the police.A unnoticing B unnoticed C to be unnoticed D to have been unnoticed.为何要选BMr Alexander is the professor_____I have the greatest respect.A who B that C to wh 是什么意思 是什么意思? 是什么意思