请帮我看看这段英文有没有什么语法错误Frist I want to make an comparison between me and Joe in Little Women. In the case of the bad temper and unladylike characteristics,I am a copy of Joe. In another aspects like always being tough a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 13:28:15
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帮我看看有没有语法错误 请帮我看看下面的这段英文有没有语法错误.I want you ,I like you ,Just miss you .Just like you ,Do my girl firend and my best friend .YES or NO?还请大家帮我看看,改改,我想向一个女生表白,但是不知道怎么说,我 请帮我看看这句英文中有没有语法错误或者修改得更地道When the wing has glided the place,was already not the beginning . 请帮我看看这段英文有没有什么语法错误Frist I want to make an comparison between me and Joe in Little Women. In the case of the bad temper and unladylike characteristics,I am a copy of Joe. In another aspects like always being tough a 请帮我看看有没有语法错误,或者意思表达不对之类问题. 英语作文,有没有高手帮我看看语法错误 帮我看看这句话有没有语法错误 帮我看看,这句话有语法错误吗.you can bring your favorite book to give the students read 看看这句英文有没有语法错误The world is change如果错了,请修正! 帮我看看这句英文有没有什么错误?IS THERE SOMETING WRONG WHEN I SAY:I LOVE YOU?其中有一个单词拼错了吧?还有没有语法错误.谢谢. 帮我看看这句英文有没有语法错误I do because I want to.自己编的,准备当签名 帮我看看这句话有没有语法错误Making you deserve being chosen by people you love.有错误的话,请指出错在哪,怎么改正. 请帮我看看这里面有没有语法错误?ameblo.jAAAAp/hidenori-mi/entry-10271183860.hAAAAtml这是我写的一篇日记,帮我看看有没有写错,以及指出.我的水平大概在什么位置?(请把里面的AAAA去掉再打开,) 帮我看看我写的这段英文有语法错误吗?或者有不好的地方?请帮我修改一下A few days ago,I read the British writer Jonathan • Swift's Gulliver's Travels. I like this book very much.It is an appealing novel containing b 英语达人进:帮我看看下面这句话有没有语法错误 “ Woke up this morning to find phone magically disappear . 这句话有没有语法错误 求英语好的人进 帮我看看这两句话有没有什么语法错误QAQWe just a little love youWe will always be with you 请帮我看看有没有语法错误I JUST WANT ENJOY MY LIFEENJOY IT EVERY DAY如果不好.帮我修改下这是两句, 请帮我看看有没有什么语法错误,帮我改改好吗?The biggest wonderful place in movies is movie creates a kind of living language environment,this language environment all includes-languages,cultures,thoughts,practice in this environment 请英文好的朋友帮我看看简历有没有语法错误什么的,Working Experience2006.11~2008.03 Shanghai Ganowell Trading Co.,Ltd Position:Sales assistantThe sales system list,the relation delivers goods coordinated Help sales manager contact