All of whom 可以做主语吗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 07:36:49
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All of whom 可以做主语吗 whom在定语从句中可以做主语吗He has two sons,__________ work as chemists.A.two of whom B.both of whom C.both of which D.all of whom of whom可以做主语吗?比如Mrs Smith has 3 kids,two __have gone to college.A.of them B.of whom C.of who D.of which选什么?可以选B吗?of whom不能引导非限制性定语从句? 一道英语定语从句问题:There are 40students in our class in all,most of whom are from big cities.上述问题中most of 后面为什么接的是whom而不是who,在这个从句中whom做了主语,做主语的应该是who啊.还是因为of The people ,most of whom are crazy play the game.whom能不是换成who啊?从句中不是做主语吗? 一个英语问题 I met twenty students,some of whom are good at maths.I met twenty students,some of whom are good at maths.中的whom不是在从句中作主语吗?为什么可以这么用 but可以做主语吗 It 's a family of three children,( )are ( )the Internet.A,all of them; fond of B,both who;made up ofC,all of whom ;addicted to D,all which; satisfied with选A,可以吗,为什么? He has two sons,__________ work as chemists.A.two of whom B.both of whom C.both of whoD.all of whomC为什么不可以选择 Confirm receipt of this po.Confirm为什么可以做主语?Confirm是动词,不是做动词不可以做主语吗? In front of me was a woman ___i supposed to be my aunt.A.who B.whom为什么选A 呢 不是whom 做i supposed 还是i supposed 是做插入语 然后从句缺主语吗?那下面这个题为什么答案是whom Ahead of me i saw a woman ____i thought t A team of 15 Indian experts is organizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians,most of _____ women.A.them B.them are C.whom D.that 如果把逗号去掉,加个and是不是就可以用B?我知道whom是不可以做主语的,定语从句就不成立.到底是 he is a man of great experience,_____much can be learned.这里可以填from which,那么定语从句中不是没有主语了吗?对 是 from whom 那么主语就是 much? 分词作主语请问,分词可以做主语吗? very lots of people 这样使用 做主语 可以吗 语法有错误吗 whom在定语从句中做宾语成分,为什么介词+关系代词可以在从句中充当主语 The old man has two sons,______ are lawyers. A.both of them B.both of who C.both of whom D.both of they这题不选AD是因为如果选了AD,没有连词,同时出现了主谓不可以.为什么不选B?B不是既可以做主语又可以做 to do不定式可以做主语吗