帮我看看这篇英文的语病As I said before,my English is not so great,but now that I've promised to write to you and you don't mind my awkward language,I decided to send you my first English letter.I think it would be better to present a brief

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 01:55:49
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帮我看看这篇英文的语病As I said before,my English is not so great,but now that I've promised to write to you and you don't mind my awkward language,I decided to send you my first English letter.I think it would be better to present a brief 帮我看看这句话有无语病 帮我看看有没有语病(英文)帮忙看看,有语病帮我修改,这是我明天比赛的开场白正文:Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone(dear teachers), I'm from class eleven, Grade seven,Jin niu experimental middle school. I am a livel 帮我看看这句话有没有语病.并写出中文意思.(英文)If keeping silent is better for me , I'll do it . 请各位帮我看看有没有语病希望我们共同努力,尽快从根本上提升我们的服务质量.I hope that our service quality could root and branch raise as soon as possible through our joint efforts. 大家帮我看看这句话有没有语病 英文好的朋友来帮我看看吧Either awesome alive or die quickly.这句话 可以这么说吗 有没有语病? 帮我看下这篇英文文章有没有错误 有的话请帮忙改正帮我看看能拿几分 按照高三的标准来看Dear Xiao Wang,It is two years since we said goodbye at the airport.What are you doing these days?I miss you very much.As winter 帮我看看有没有语病(英文)I am going to take us a very happy song called JAMABALAYA,I wish that you could like it. 帮我看看这句话有没有语病I wanna play the jack of diamonds,but the king I concealed is what I really wanna paly. 「英语」请大家帮我看看这句话是否有语病i found a wallet lying in the corner when i were sweeping the floor yesterday 大家帮我看看这是什么字体 英文的? 英文好的帮我看看这是不是牙膏⋯ 请大家帮我看看以下英文的语病怎么改呢In auto industry ,Cadillac created innumerable firsts,created many luxury car industry standard. 请英语高手来帮我看看这句话有没语病?If god was willing give me a opportunity,I could face all people and sang ,I'm sorry.不好意思弄错了应该是say的 You said make complete sentences are diffcult for you.I think if you know some grammatical patterns接上面you will feel easier than ever before.这两个句子的语病在哪里,帮我改一下. 谁帮我看看这句英语有语病吗?i am flying in the heaven我在天堂里飞. 能不能帮我看看这篇英文填空