
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 09:14:03
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tmr是什么意思 〔请教〕×急× 我想问下各位大侠们对讲机中提到TMR是什么意思?我想问下各位大侠们对讲机中提到TMR是什么意思?TMR是代表对讲机的频率吗 招聘信息中的TMR是什么意思?有的招聘广告上写:招聘TMR,是什么职位啊!看不懂.百度百科上面的解释好像对不上. Tmr什么意思 在PLC中TMR T1 thx gd night talkto u tmr TMR t1 D540在PLC中什么意思 台达指令tmr是什么意思刚接触PLC 看到些梯形图程序上面有这些指令是什么意思?MOV K10 D1118TMR T0 K100MEAN D160 D169 K5ADD D200 D510 D98SUB D98 D511 D99CMP D502 D100 M17SET M511RST M511另外一般什么情况下用这些指 Mr Geen ( ) his Chinese friends with tMr Geen ( ) his Chinese friends with their English.括号里填什么? 为什么这里不用助动词反问疑问句不是用助动词么.这里为什么用WASN'TMR.GREEN was late for the meeting just now,wasn't he? tmr的意思请问大家知道,不是指技术,学术方面的意思,是生活用于的简写,我觉得类似于asap. 电子表上英文缩写的意思?秒表模式STW,倒数计时模式TMR,夏令时DST,间歇闹钟SNZ,整点响报SIG?电子表上英文缩写的意思?秒表模式STW(stop time watch?),倒数计时模式TMR,夏令时DST(day saving time),间歇闹钟S 饲料搅拌车出料口用什么样的输送机刮板式输送机和带式输送机和胶带式输送机 选哪个更合理更符合实际情况啊我设计的是TMR饲料搅拌车的出料口,选择刮板式的还是带式的往外送料,弄不清 Mr Black works in He’s very busy and he has no tMr Black works in He’s very busy and he has no time to rest.Every evening,When he comes back from his office,he always feels tired and wants to go to bed early,but his wife often has something inter 语法疑惑TMr Wang______ in his old clothes,while his wife ______ a very pertty skirt.A,was dressed ,was having onB,dressed,was wearingC,was wearing,was dressedD,was dressed,was dresseddB 答案要在dressed前面加一个was吗?为什么 英语翻译not yet,will u talk to my dad plz?i will move in to my apartment tmr,just tell them dont friends are going to send me to school and everything will be alright.i cant realy use my laptop with internet now cuz my friend doesnt have 1、Do you have a tea?No,we don'tMr wang is a guide.He goes to many different 2、We are shopping at the moment.(改为同义句)We are shopping ( ) ( )3、谢谢你从长城寄来的明信片.( ) ( ) ( )your postcard from the Great Wall.4、We are 是什么意思