what has made most of his neighbours leave their homes?为什么是has 不是 have 这里不是说他的邻居吗而且邻居复数了啊

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 06:50:39
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What word has most letter? what has made china what it is what has made most of his neighbours leave their homes?为什么是has 不是 have 这里不是说他的邻居吗而且邻居复数了啊 What book has the most stirring chapters? What book has the most stirring chapters? what is most of the paper we uesd made from What has made English as whole world languagewhat has made english这是句什么句式? What decision has been made?变主动语态 What one word has the most letters in it? what book has the most stirring chapters?的谜底是什么? He has been so famous that most of his books have made people become successful. Who has made the most important discoveries about gravity since Albert Einstein invented gravity? So far we have discussed a lot,but no decision __________ until our boss comes back.A.has been made B.will be made C.had been made D.is being madeI believe most of what you said is reliable,but I don’t agree with __________ you said.A.nothing B.any what is the most important reason that made the League of Nations failed?不是翻译 请问大家这三句话哪个是正确的?错的错在哪?what impressed you most?what was impressed you most?what has impressed you most? What's the most dangerous man-made disaster facing the worldand what do you think wecan do about it shenzhou has made us very excited.______ _____________shenzhou has made us!__________story you have told us!a.how excitedb.what excitingc.how an excited d.what an exciting 英语选择题疑问,谢谢o(∩_∩)o...8.The reason he has made such great progress is __C__he has never wasted his time.【A.because】【B.why】【C.that】【D.what】为什么不能选B10.His proposal is that the dam ___C___ at the foot of th