英语翻译1.DNA polymerase cannot start a DNA strand from scratch,so RNA primers are synthesized by a different enzyme,primase,and are later replaced by DNA.2.Each replication origin initiates DNA replication once per cell cycle,and all DNA must be

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 09:49:49
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英语翻译1.DNA polymerase cannot start a DNA strand from scratch,so RNA primers are synthesized by a different enzyme,primase,and are later replaced by DNA.2.Each replication origin initiates DNA replication once per cell cycle,and all DNA must be 三博远志Taq DNA polymerase-taq酶 Taq DNA Polymerase 和rTaq酶有什么区别? 速求哪家的Taq DNA Polymerase 实验效果好? Please briefly describe the three activities of DNA polymerase I.Please answer it in english 请问Pfu DNA Polymerase用于PCR能保证扩增多大的片段无错配? 请问 博凌科为 的 Taq Plus DNA Polymerase(含10×Taq Buffer,Mg2+)如何? 为什么Hotmaster Taq DNA Polymerase ,很多业内人士都推荐博凌科为的? 请问Taq Platinum DNA Polymerase ,博凌科为的好不好呀?谁能介绍下? 谁知道博凌科为的冷抑制热启动HotMaster Taq DNA Polymerase这个产品适用于哪些领域呀? 博凌科为 Taq Plus DNA Polymerase (含预混Mg2+的10×Taq Plus Buffer)如何呀? 谁能告诉我,博凌科为 的 Taq DNA Polymerase (含10×Taq Buffer,Mg2+)怎么样啊? 博凌科为 的 Taq DNA Polymerase(含预混Mg2+ 的10×Taq Buffer)有没有谁能介绍一下, 求!博凌科为 的 Pfu DNA Polymerase(含10×Taq Buffer,Mg2+)怎么样啊?急! PCR 中用到的Taq DNA Polymerase 试剂盒如何使用呢?新手上路,反应体系是20ul.Taq DNA Polymerase 试剂盒里分别有的Taq DNA Polymerase;10*PCR Buffer with 15mM MgCl2;10*10*PCR Buffer without MgCl2; 20mM MgCl2 Solution如何稀释 The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) requires template DNA,primers,DNA polymerase,and __________.A DNA ligase B reverse transcriptase C plasmid DNA D a mixture of the four nucleotides A,T,C,G E a mixture of the four fluorescent nucleotides that termin Taq polymerase 是什么 Template Polymerase什么意思