Have a safe flight 那如果是 Have a safe ship!就是指队坐船的人说一路平安?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:42:49
Have a safe flight 那如果是 Have a safe ship!就是指队坐船的人说一路平安? have a good flight It was(luck)__indeed for Mr.fox to have changed his flight and arrived safe Have a safe trip 标准的意思 写E-mail时老外说have a nice flight时我该怎么回?就会一句Thank you?Hello Sam,we are all looking forward to meeting you.Yes I will pick up your things.Have a safe flight to Vancouver and we will see you soon.上面是老外回我的信, 祝您一路平安 英文祝您一路平安在线翻译的对不对 I hope you have a safe flight主要针对司机朋友的已经有5个回答,我不懂英文,谁的意思更近 英语翻译在“Flight Of Phoenix”这部电影中看到这样的对白:“You ladies calm down.”剧情是一些人很吵,另一个人让他们安静些,就说了这样一句.类似的句子还有“You ladies have a safe flight.”还是同 did you have a good flight的回答越快越好, I wish you a safe journey.为什么不是I wish you have a safe journey? I wish you a safe journey.为什么不是I wish you have a safe journey? It was (luck) ___ indeed for Mr. Fox to have changed his flight and arrived safe.谁知道这道题解析 you have taken a long day,you have taken a flight什么意思? a flight of stairs, After several campus attacks,many schools across the country have already taken action____接上thier campuses-----A.making,safe B.made,safe C.to make D.make,safe Can I have a seat on Flight 455 to New York tomorrow afternoon英译汉 oh,there you are!Did you have a good flight?中的 there you 翻译:It's amazing even on a smooth flight like this two people have been sick. flight