英语翻译1、he complained that the ___of prizes was unfair.a.attribution b.contribution c.distrbution d.tribute2、i an happy to have this ____to discuss the matter with you.a.opportunity b.facility c.project d.object3、mr.smith has ___from his

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 13:31:27
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he (complains还是complained) about 为什么 He complained that there was too much homework yesterday. he complained about _____ (be) late that day.原因 According to what he complained about, something must have gone wrong with the computer, ______?1 According to what he complained about, something must have gone wrong with the computer, ______? A. mustn't it B. didn’t he C. hasn’t he 英语翻译1、he complained that the ___of prizes was unfair.a.attribution b.contribution c.distrbution d.tribute2、i an happy to have this ____to discuss the matter with you.a.opportunity b.facility c.project d.object3、mr.smith has ___from his He complained about his boss was useless and he had too much too much work.宾语从句? 英语翻译Once upon a time,there was a king who ruled a prosperous country.One day,he went for a trip to some distant areas of his country.When he wai back to his palace,he complained that his feet were very painful,because it was the first time th He complained that he had been____the opportunity to appeal against the court's decision.A.neglected B.denied C.ignored D.perfect He said he would never forget that I had __ him of cheating.A.complained B.informed C.warned D.accused The customers complained that not only ___________high,but he didn’t do a good repair job.A.he charged B.was he charged C.did he charge D.he was chargedcharge有什么用法,搭配? 1、He complained that the project was always______________有4个答案选项:A、short of fundingB、short of fundC、short of fundsD、short for fund标准答案给的是C.short of fund是资金不足的意思,那为什么不能选B呢?为什么 帮忙解到英语改错题It was the first time he had gone to workin a restaurant.1______my boss complained that there were few customer 2_______coming for dinner,I am invited to have a meal 3_______there.After ordered two ice creams and a steak,4_ 高考英语单选题求解答_____at the way he had been treated in the hotel,John complained to the manager.A,Having disappointed B.DisappointingCDisappointedD.To disappoint 汉译英:He complained the high paying by Credit Card recently.敬请指教!我想说的是:他抱怨最近用信用卡消费花钱太多了. The child complained that the old man made no answer when ( )where he livedA asking B asked Cto asked Dhaving asked还望分析 英语翻译1、It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next;it's a whole way of living.2、In 1981,for example ,an a very small hamburger and complained loudly,Where's the beef?3、However,in the 英语翻译翻译汉语A beautiful.expensively dressed lady complained to her psychiatrist that she felt that her whole life was empty;it had no meaning According to what he complained about,something must have gone wrong with the computer,______?According to what he complained about,something must have gone wrong with the computer,_didn't it_____?这里没有表过去的时间状语,为什么用didn