请那位老师帮我改改英语作文.Yesterday,all the students in our school were supposed to go to the hill to plant trees Arriving at the hill at 8:30,we were to plant at least fire trees.Then we started digging planting and watering.We all wor

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 19:56:34
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请那位老师帮我改改英语作文.Students of present age feel more pressure than before.On the one hand,students have to do so much homework and complete a large number of study tests ¬—— some of them are even difficult to adults.Stude 请那位老师帮我改改英语作文.Yesterday,all the students in our school were supposed to go to the hill to plant trees Arriving at the hill at 8:30,we were to plant at least fire trees.Then we started digging planting and watering.We all wor 帮我改改英语选择题 谁能帮我改改英语作文?.. 请给我出一道英语作文题 我正在学习新2.请那位老师给我一道英语作文题,最好不超过80个单词 那你能帮我改改吗 帮我改改作文,就一段 当我走进一个新的班级时,看到一位位新同学,他们的欢声笑语,使我想起了那活波可爱的小学同学。看到每位新老师,他们在黑板上写的每一个字,让我想起了我那 那位英语大神,帮我写下这个英语作文,给满分 英语翻译帮我改改! 麻烦帮我改改! 那位老师或者同学能不能帮我想想这道题, 老师让我们写作文.题目为我的新学期.那位好心人士帮我写写啊.快. 请给位大师帮小弟我改改英语作文吧谢谢!Hello my headteacher.I’ m Johnny.I have some suggestions about our school.One of them is our library when a lot persons in the library the wifi often doesn't work and other one is our hostels s 英语作文我的理想当医生150字初中水平 那位大虾帮一下 英语翻译希望那位好心人帮我写一篇英语作文“my favourite fruit 那位好心人帮我写一篇20词的英语作文, 小弟初学英语特别是作文不太好 请各位大虾帮我改改作文以后小弟一个礼拜这时候写一篇,主要帮我改改语法3Q这是一篇关于有关学生是否应该带手手机上学的文章写给报社编辑Dear Editor:with t 小弟初学英语特别是作文不太好 请各位大虾帮我改改作文以后小弟一个礼拜这时候写一篇,主要帮我改改语法3Q这是一篇日记 写的是生日 MARCH 5th FRIDAY SundayToday is my birthday and also it is the day in