instead of 后面可以接代替时间吗如 time is today instead of tomorrow,时间是今天代替明天

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 19:47:53
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instead of 后面可以接代替时间吗如 time is today instead of tomorrow,时间是今天代替明天 instead of 后面可以接句子吗? instead of 后面是不是接动词ing instead of用什么代替 instead of中instead为什么是副词?它后面接of,所以应该是名词啊? We can uso instead of (代替)“about” A、on B、with C、maybe D、around我们可以用××××代替“about” instead of 后面接to do 还是doing? we will stay at home instead of 后面接什么` rather than和instead of的用法?instead of后面接什么?rather than 后面接什么? replace with ,instead of区别replace with ,instead of 都是代替,区别是什么呢?除了一个是动词一个是代词.replace sth with sth,instead of sth ,可以互换吗, instead of 有时候可以与rather than 如1》 She is engaged in writing rather than in reading newspapers.这句可以用instead of 代替rather than 2> Shall we have fish instead of meat today?这句可以用rather than 代替instead 3>It's me th instead 后面可以借动词ing吗 we held a part in the garden instead of in the house.instead of 后面是否可以不加in 哪个正确 part应是party instead of waiting for the teacher to explain,to explain为什么不能换成explanation,百思不得其解,explain后面为什么不可以接名词explanation instead和instead of的用法理解可以这样理解吗,instead放在句中表示为 反而,放在句末表示为至少,instead of在句中表示为代替instead of 在句中表示为而不是, instead of 后面还可以跟个介词By吗?比如可不可以说:I prefer to communicate with my customers by email instead of by phone.instead of phone 那加个by 有错吗 时间可以代替距离吗 instead of 后面加名词单数还是复数