rather than和instead of的用法?instead of后面接什么?rather than 后面接什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 12:16:18
rather than和instead of的用法?instead of后面接什么?rather than 后面接什么?
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rather than和instead of的用法?instead of后面接什么?rather than 后面接什么?
rather than和instead of的用法?
instead of后面接什么?
rather than 后面接什么?

rather than和instead of的用法?instead of后面接什么?rather than 后面接什么?
instead of后面接名词/动名词(doing).eg.we'll play football instead of basketball/playing basketball.
rather than 后面接和前面动词词形一致的词.he will go to shanghai rather than go to beijing./ he is going to shanghai rather than going to beijing